Katalog 4 - Válců

Převodní tabulky 0.2 Tlakové převodní tabulky Ekvivalenty: 1 Bar = 100 KPa 1 Bar = 14,5 PSI 1 Bar = 1,02 kg/cm 2 BAR KPa PSI Kg/cm BAR KPa PSI Kg/cm 0,1 10 1,450 0,102 11 1100 159,50 11,22 0,2 20 2,900 0,204 12 1200 174,00 12,24 0,3 30 4,350 0,306 13 1300 188,50 13,26 0,4 40 5,800 0,408 14 1400 203,00 14,28 0,5 50 7,250 0,510 15 1500 217,50 15,30 0,6 60 8,700 0,612 16 1600 232,00 16,32 0,7 70 10,150 0,714 17 1700 246,50 17,34 0,8 80 11,160 0,816 18 1800 261,00 18,36 0,9 90 13,050 0,918 19 1900 275,50 19,38 1,0 100 14,500 1,020 20 2000 290,00 20,04 1,5 150 21,750 1,530 25 2500 362,50 25,50 2,0 200 29,000 2,040 30 3000 435,00 30,60 2,5 250 36,250 2,550 35 3500 507,50 35,70 3,0 300 43,500 3,060 40 4000 580,00 40,80 3,5 350 50,750 3,570 45 4500 652,50 45,90 4,0 400 58,000 4,080 50 5000 725,00 51,00 4,5 450 65,250 4,590 55 5500 797,50 56,10 5,0 500 72,500 5,100 60 6000 870,00 61,20 5,5 550 79,750 5,610 65 6500 942,50 66,30 6,0 600 87,000 6,120 70 7000 1015,00 71,40 7,0 700 101,500 7,140 75 7500 1087,50 76,50 8,0 800 116,000 8,160 80 8000 1160,00 81,60 9,0 900 130,500 9,180 90 9000 1305,00 91,80 10,0 1000 145,000 10,200 100 10000 1450,00 102,00 2 2 jednotka zkratka jednotka SI pøevodní faktor 1 inch = in 2,54 cm 0,393701 1 loot = 12 in = 3 hands ft 30,48 cm 0,0328084 1 yard = 3 leet = 4 spans yd 0,9144 m 1,09361 1 mile (Landmile) mi 1,609 km 0,62137 1 nautical mile (internat.) n mi. NM 1,852 km 0,539957 1squareinch sqin 6.4516 cm 20,15500 1 square loot = 144 sq in sq ft 929,03 cm 1,0764=10 1 squadreyard = 9sqft sqyd 0,83613 m 1,19599 1 square mile = 640 acres sq mi 2,5900 km 2 0,38610 1 cubic inch cu in 16,387 cm 0,061024 1 cubic foot = 1728 cu in cu ft 28,317 dm 0,035315 1 cubic yard = 27 cu ft cu yd 0,76455 m 1,30795 1 registerton=100cuft 2,8317m 0,35314 1 shipping ton 1,13268 m 0,88286 1 fluid ounce (GBr) fI oz 0,028413 dm 35,1950 1 fluid once (USA) fI oz 0,029574 dm 33,8138 1 pint = 4 gills (GBr) (Iiq) pt 0,56826 dm 1,75975 1 pint = 4 gills (USA) liq pt 0,47318 dm 2,11336 1 dry pint dry pt 0,55061 dm 1,81616 1 quart = 2 pints (GBr) (liq) qt 1,13652 dm 0,87988 1 quart = 2 pints (USA liq qt 0,94636 dm 1,05668 1 dry quart dry qt 1,10123 dm 0,908077 1 gal Ion = 2 pottles (GBr) gal 4,54609 dm 0,219969 1 gallon (USA) gal 3,78543 dm 0,264170 1 bushel = 4 pecks (GBr) bu 36,3687 dm 0,0274962 1 bushel = 4 pecks (USA) bu 35,2393 dm 0,0283774 1 dry barrel 115,628 dm 0,0086484 1 petroleum barrel 158,762 dm 0,0062987 1 pound-weight lb wt 4,448221 N 0,2248089 1 pound-force LB, Ibl 4,448221 N 0,2248089 1 poundal pdl 0,138255 N 7,23301 1 kilogramme-force kgl, kgp 9,80665 N 0,1019716 1 short ton-weight Sh tn wt 8,896444 kN 0,1124045 1 long ton-weight Itn wt 9,964015 kN 0,1003611 1 ton-force Ton, tonf 9,964015 kN 0,1003611 Jednotky délky Jednotky plochy Jednotky objemu Jednotky síly 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 -3 3 jednotka zkratka jednotka SI pøevodní faktor (síla/plocha) 1 pound.weighl lb wUsq in 6,8948 kN/m 2 0,145038 per square inch ppsi, psi 68.948 mbar 0,0145038 1 pound-weighl lb wUsq ft 47,880 N/m 0,0208854 per square foot ppst, psi 0,47880 mbar 2,08854 1 kilogramme-lorce/sq in kgl/sq in 1,52003 N/m 0,657880 1 short ton-weighl/sq in 13,7895 N/mm 0.072552 1 ton.lorce/sq in Ton/sq in 15,4443 N/mm 0,064749 1 foot of waler ft H O 0,029891 bar 33,455 1 inch of Hg In Hg 0,033864 bar 29,530 1 foot pound-weighl ft lb wl 1,355821 J 0,737561 1 foot-pound-lorce ft Lb, ft lbf 1,355817 J 0,737563 1 foot-poundal ft pdl 0,0421401 J 23,7304 1 Brilish Thermal Unit Blu, BTU 1,055056 kJ 0,947817 (inlernal. sleam lable) B. tn. u. 0,293071 Wh 3,412141 1 horse-power hour hph, H Phr 2,6845 MJ 0,37251 h.p.hr. 0,74570kWh 1,34102 (práce/èas) 1 foot pound-weigh/s ft lb wt/s 1,355821 W 0,737561 1 Brilish thermal unit/s Blu/s, 1,055056 kW 0,947817 1 Brilish thermal unit/h Blu/h 0,293071 W 3,41214 1 horse-power hp, h. p. 0,74570 kW 1,34102 1 grain gr 64,7989 mg 0,0154324 1 dram dr 1,77185 g 0,564383 10unce = 16 drams oz 28,3495 g 0,0352739 1 pound = 16 oz lb 0,453592 kg 2,204622 1 quarter = 28 lb (Ibs) 12,7006 kg 0,078737 1 hundredweight = 112 lb cwt 50,8024 kg 0,0196841 1 long hundredweight I cwt 50,8024 kg 0,0196841 1 short hundredweight sh cwt 45,3592 kg 0,0220462 1 ton = 1 long ton tn, I tn 1,016047 t 0,984206 1 short ton = 2000 lb sh tn 0,907185 t 1,102311 Jednotky tlaku Jednotky práce a energie Jednotky síly Jednotky hmotnosti 2 2 2 2 2 Míra a pøevodní jednotky