Technical information are provided for informative purpose only and can be subject to change without prior notice 176 Brake manual unlock device for emergency situations Power pivots can be equipped with an unlock device to disengage the brake in case of emergency. A built-in access for a 5 mm Allen wrench is integrated below the rear end cap. A clockwise movement of the Allen wrench will unlock the brake. This procedure mus be carried out exclusively by qualified specialists. Make sure to meet all related safety requirements and make sure that no operatorreaches into the swivel area of the arm. Unlocking the brake will generate an immediate, abrupt movement of the load. Once the Allen wrench is removed and air is supplied again to the unit, the brake will reset itself automatically. Brake system A patented brake system allows for a reliable braking in case of pressure drop. An original design guarantees a wide braking surface in extremely reduced radial dimensions. The brake system is designed for static conditions. Operating pressure: 2.5 to 8 bar We suggest to carry out a yearly functional test of the brake system by simulating an emergency stop. WARNING Patented Automotive Catalogue PIVOTING