Technical information are provided for informative purpose only and can be subject to change without prior notice 93 CL-Series Miniature light-weight series, enclosed toggle-locking mechanism, compact and light-duty for testing applications, welding and fixture checking. Pneumatic clamp Technical features Manual release button to open the linkage when air pressure is removed during setup. Operating features Operating pressure from 2 to 5 bar / from 30 to 72,5 psi Lubrication all the devices are lubricated for life at the factory. Inline air lubrication isn’t required Functional charts • Air consumption Air consumption for complete cycle (opening and closing) REV. 00 - 17/06/2015 • Clamping moment (at 5 bar / 72.5 psi) 25 N m / 18,43 lb·ft The above data are meant for correct working conditions of the clamp with the same performance level during its life time. For applications which exceed the above data, please contact our sales representatives. • Holding moment 50 N m / 36,87 lb·ft • Tooling weight chart 5 bar operating pressure – 105° opening angle REV. 00 - 18/11/2016 Size 25 mm 0.7 s 1.4 s NO FLOW VALVE REQUIRED Automotive Catalogue Clamping CL-Series Extra-light products 550gr WEIGHT 0 50 100 150 Load (kg) Distance from center of gravity to pivot point (mm) 75 125 175 0.3 0.7 1.0 0.1 0.4 0.2 0.5 0.9 0.6 0.8 CLAMPING 0 0 Air consumption (Nl) 105 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Opening angle (°) Air consumption (Nl/min) at 5 bar Air consumption (Nl/min) at 2 bar