Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice 1 Pneumatic fittings Catalogue The Green Line range includes solutions for connection in pneumatic circuits made of brass, technopolymer or stainless steel. Green Line Pneumatic Fittings Catalogue
2 Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice Pneumatic fittings Catalogue 29 +90 10 Europe World Italiy Titan Engineering Expertise and Reliability since 1993 a Pneumax Group Company TECHNOLOGY QUA L I T Y COMPETENCE Titan Engineering S.p.A. is a company of the Pneumax Group, founded in 1993 with the goal of becoming the production site and warehouse for fittings and accessories for compressed air for the worldwide Pneumax distribution network, following the development strategies pursued by the Group over the years. The constant growth of the company during the years is due to the capability of modeling itself on the needs of customers: this allows to make targeted investments in production activities, in co-operation agreements with the best Italian and foreign partners, enhancing the quality and flexibility of the service. The main result of this strategy is the creation of the “Green Line Catalog“, a tool for specialists of fittings for compressed air, among the most comprehensive available on the market. Group companies Production plants Distributors worldwide
Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice 3 Pneumatic fittings Catalogue A wide range of solutions for pneumatic connections • Ball taps • Silencers and Flow nozzles • Tubes and accessories • Push-in fittings • Standard fittings • Compression fittings • Push-on fittings • Flow regulator • Valves and Function fittings
Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice 4 Pneumatic fittings Catalogue Selected and certified materials Brass, Technopolymer and Stainless Steel METALS TECHNOPOLYMERS SEALS Brass CW614N CW6117N (OT 58 ), Brass CW510N (OT 57) Aluminum, Stainless Steel (AISI 301- AISI 304 -K110-316-316L) Acetal compounds – POM compounds – ABS compounds with glass fibre reinforcement IXEF 1022 – IXEF 1022FC – Grivory HT1V-4 NBR, VITON, FKM, EXTREME VITON, SILICON, TEFLON
Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice 5 Pneumatic fittings Catalogue Our R&D department is available to work in co-design with customers, creating customized projects, using brass, technopolymer or other special materials. Titan Engineering also has partnership agreements with accredited laboratories for the execution of tests dedicated to specific sectors. COMPETENCE AND EXPERIENCE Application engineering knowledge allows us to always provide the best solution Special products • Food and Beverage • Life Science • Machine Tools • Stone & Glass Machinery • Textile • Wood Machinery • Cooling
Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice 6 Pneumatic fittings Catalogue SMART PRODUCTION High flexibility to manage small and big batches Our production department is constantly renewed by integrating the most advanced technologies to ensure maximum efficiency and flexibility to manage batches of different sizes and special productions dedicated to individual customers. Product assembling is managed through machines equipped with anthropomorphic robots. Ultrasonic welding guarantees maximum tightness of the technopolymer fittings. The control of assembly phases is done by integrated vision systems with real-time self-learning software, guaranteeing each single component high quality. All the machined batches are tested using dedicated instrumentation such as load cells and simulating real operating conditions.
Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice 7 Pneumatic fittings Catalogue At Titan Engineering Total Quality is an “operating style” constantly nurtured by ongoing training at all levels and an awareness of shared “knowledge” as a corporate asset essential to the company’s success. Choosing to operate under a total quality system means implementing management methods and tools that involve all staff and enable constant monitoring of process efficiency and product quality, starting from the raw materials and the components necessary to make them and continuing through processing and assembly. All company departments work in compliance with ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 standards. Certifications: ISO Certifications Food Certifications • Quality Management System Certification ISO 9001-14001-45001 IQNET • Quality Management System Certification ISO 9001-14001-45001 SQS • Certificate NFS – San Marino Factory • Certificate NFS • Product in contact with food certification Regulation CE 1935/2004 FCM • Product in contact with water Intendend for human consumption Certification Italy D.M. 174/2004 FCM Fittings - Food Contact Materials Designed to operate in Food & Beverage sector in compliance with FCM and NSF/ANSI 169 standards. Product and process certifications to meet customers needs TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT
Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice 8 Pneumatic fittings Catalogue Index Pneumatic fittings Push-in fittings Brass push-in fittings Series Rap - Rap Black - OT 13 Series MINI 39 Push-in fittings for Food & Beverage Series FCM 78 Technopolymer push-in fittings Series Tecnorap - Tecnorap Black 43 Stainless steel push-in fittings Series SS 70 Stems for push-in fittings Series 400 - 15 - 33 87
Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice 9 Pneumatic fittings Catalogue Brass standard fittings Series 100 93 Stainless steel standard fittings Series RX-100 104 Standard fittings Brass compression fittings Series 200 108 Compression fittings Brass push-on fittings Series 300 114 Push-on fittings Stainless steel push-on fittings Series RX-300 120 Brass flow regulators Series Rap - Rap Black - OT 124 Flow regulators Technopolymer flow regulators Series Tecnorap - Tecnorap Black 135 Stainless steel flow regulators Series SSN-G 142
Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice 10 Pneumatic fittings Catalogue Ball taps - mini Series VSTT 173 Series 4000 175 Series 600 179 Ball taps Silencers Series S 183 Flow nozzles Series U 190 Silencers and flow nozzles Quick exhaust valves Series VSR 166 Series ISE 168 Manual valves Series 500 170 Function fittings Series TECNOFUN 145 Series ISP 160 Series IPC 163 Valves and function fittings
Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice 11 Pneumatic fittings Catalogue Tubes and accessories Series AC 195 Tubes and accessories Mounting instructions Chemical compatibility chart Tightening torques 204 Appendix
Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice 12 Pneumatic fittings The RAP series push-in fittings are produced in Italy according to the reference ISO norms as warranty of high quality level and answer to the followings technical specifications and applications. Push-in fittings • Brass push-in fittings • Brass push-in fittings Mini series • Technopolymer push-in fittings • Stainless steel push-in fittings • Push-in fittings for Food & Beverage • Stems for push-in fittings Push-in fittings
13 Pneumatic fittings Brass push-in fittings Series RAP - RAP BLACK - OT Push-in fittings Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice Brass push-in fittings Components Series 1 Thrust sleeve 2 Lock ring 3 Crimping gripper 4 Supporting ring 5 Fitting body 6 Elastic ring 7 O-Ring seal 8 Swiwel base B OT S on request A on request The RAP series push-in fittings are produced in Italy according to the reference ISO norms as warranty of high quality level. They are available with different thrust sleeve colours and in numerous variants to meet all application requirements. Series RAP - RAP BLACK - OT 1 6 8 7 2 3 4 5 Ordering code THRUST SLEEVE COLOUR blank = Green A = Blue B = Black S = Grey MODEL TYPE 01 ... 90 FUNCTIONAL DENOMINATIONS OT = Nickel-plated Brass Sleeve OTV = Nickel-plated Brass Sleeve - O-Ring Viton OV = All Metal - O-Ring FKM C = Conical thread F = Threaded body L = Extended elbow E = Increaser V = Thrust sleeve in POM - O-Ring FKM TUBE CONNECTION 04 ... 14 = Tube diameter (mm) THREADED CONNECTION M5; M6; M12; 18; 14; 38; 12 = Thread size (M5; M6; M12x1,5; 1/8; 1/4; 3/8; 1/2) 04 ... 16 = Tube diameter L0 = Version with lateral plug A10C08M5 See assembly instructions in the appendix on page 207
14 Pneumatic fittings Push-in fittings Brass push-in fittings Series RAP - RAP BLACK - OT Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice FLUIDS Compressed air (for different fluid please contact our Technical Dept.) APPLICATIONS Pneumatic circuits, low pressure hydraulic applications, according to DIN 3861-3870 norms. Suitable for vacuum applications. SUGGESTED TUBES TPU (Polyurethane), PA11/PA12 (Polyamide), TPE (Polyethilene), TPA (Polyurethane/Copolyester) TUBES TOLERANCES Diam. between 4 and 10 mm +/- 0,05 Diam. from 12 mm +/- 0,1 PROTECTION RATING IP 68 TEMPERATURE AND PRESSURE Recommended limit values Temperatures and pressures usually depend by the technical features of the employed tubes, anyway it is suggested a limit working pressure of 15 bar and a temperature range between -20°C and +70°C Technical testing data In the table below there are indicated the load traction resistance values and the main working and breaking limit (Pressure and Temperature) of the main commercial tubing. Note For more complete informations please read the technical catalogue of your tube supplier. THREAD TYPE BSP paralell UNI-ISO 228; BSP tapered UNI-ISO 7; Metric ISO/R 262 MATERIALS Body, “OT” sleeve, stems and swivel bases Brass UNI EN 12164 CW614N Sleeve, collar and back ring POM copolymer ISO1043-1 Spring Stainless steel AISI 301 austenitic Seals NBR 70 DWGV-EN549 UL157 Technical sheet Additional technical informations Each RAP production batch is tested according to severe cyclics “lot breaker” controls along all the production period, which include shape observation, leakage verification, functionality, at the working pressure of 8 bar. Then all samples taken from the lot are tested by a traction machine which simulate a breaking pressure of 50 bar. Here below are indicated the traction loads (in Newton) for each size: TUBE DIAMETER Ø4 Ø6 Ø8 Ø10 Ø12 Ø14 BREAKING LOAD 63 N 141 N 251 N 393 N 566 N 750 N Important note: The values refer to the resistance of the crimping gripper, “core part” of both fittings, the brass RAP and the technopolymer Tecno-RAP, whereby homogeneous. The breaking experimental values measured, according to the diameter, were from 1.2 to 2.5 times higher. Additional information regarding the working temperatures: Further to all the necessary assessments on the use of the fittings in operating conditions different from how suggested in the initial technical sheet must be considered, with reference to temperatures, the nominal data regarding the type of the used tube and the limit imposed by the most critical component. Series TECNORAP:-20°+50° Series RAP: -20° +70° Series RAP-BLACK:-20° +70° Series RAP OT: -20° +80° Series OV: -20° +120° Series SS: -20° +140° WORKING PRESSURE AND BREAKING PRESSURE (BAR) AT DIFFERENT TEMPERATURES Example T-20°C T+23°C T+60°C Tube 6x4 colored Working P bar Breaking P bar Working P bar Breaking P bar Working P bar Breaking P bar TPU 18,7 74,8 10,0 40,0 5,2 20,8 PA11 37,4 149,6 20,0 80,0 10,4 41,6 PA12 48,6 168,3 26,0 90,0 10,4 36,0 PE 18,7 74,8 10,0 40,0 5,0 20,0
15 Pneumatic fittings Brass push-in fittings Series RAP - RAP BLACK - OT Push-in fittings Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice Straight male adaptor (parallel) 01 ART. Straight male adaptor (tapered) 01C ART. L H G ØD ØG H L ØD ØC ØB COD. ØD G ØC ØB H L 01CH04M5 4 M5 2 8 4 20,85 10 2 100 5,8 0104M5 4 M5 2,5 8 4 20,85 * 2,5 100 4,1 0104M6 4 M6 2,5 9 5 21,85 * 2,5 50 4,3 010418 4 1/8 2,5 13,5 5,5 20 9 2,5 50 7,4 010414 4 1/4 2,5 17 6,5 20 9 2,5 50 11 0106M5 6 M52,5 8 4 24,4 * 2,5 50 6 0106M6 6 M6 2,5 11 5 25,4 * 2,5 50 6,7 010618 6 1/8 4,1 13,5 5,5 25,4 11 4 50 10,1 010614 6 1/4 4,1 17 6,5 23,4 11 4 50 13,6 010818 8 1/8 5,1 13 5,5 26,8 13 5 50 11,3 010814 8 1/4 6,1 17 6,5 24 13 6 50 12,5 010838 8 3/8 6,1 20 7,5 24 13 6 50 18,9 010812 8 1/2 6,1 24 9 25 13 6 25 18 011018 10 1/8 5,1 13,5 5,5 30,3 16 4 25 19,6 011014 10 1/4 7,2 16 6,5 29,4 16 7 50 18,1 011038 10 3/8 8,2 21 7,5 29,4 16 8 50 24,9 011012 10 1/2 8,2 24 9 29,4 16 8 25 34,8 011214 12 1/4 7,2 16 6,5 32,2 19 7 25 26,3 011238 12 3/8 10,2 22 7,5 32,2 19 10 25 31,2 011212 12 1/2 10,2 24 9 31,7 19 10 25 37,3 011438 14 3/8 10,2 21 7,5 35 21 10 25 35,9 011412 14 1/2 12,2 25 9 34,3 21 12 25 39,3 011638 16 3/8 11,5 20 7,5 35 24 8 25 38.5 011612 16 1/2 15,5 24 10 37 24 10 25 45.5 COD. ØD G H L 01C0418 4 1/8 7,5 19,6 10 3 50 6,3 01C0414 4 1/4 9,5 18 14 3 50 12,1 01C0438 4 3/8 10,5 19,1 17 3 25 21,7 01C0618 6 1/8 7,5 20,3 12 4 50 7,1 01C0614 6 1/4 9,5 22,1 14 4 50 12,9 01C0638 6 3/8 10,5 20,1 17 4 25 21,1 01C0612 6 1/2 13,5 24,1 24 4 25 39,3 01C0818 8 1/8 7,5 25,7 14 5 50 11,2 01C0814 8 1/4 9,5 24,7 14 6 50 12,3 01C0838 8 3/8 10,5 21,7 17 6 50 18,3 01C0812 8 1/2 12,5 25,7 21 6 25 36,5 01C1018 10 1/8 7,5 29,3 17 4 25 18,1 01C1014 10 1/4 9,5 30,8 17 6 50 19,7 01C1038 10 3/8 10,5 28,3 17 8 50 20,5 01C1012 10 1/2 13,5 26,1 21 8 25 34,9 01C1218 12 1/8 7,5 30,8 21 4 25 28,4 01C1214 12 1/4 9,5 32,8 19 6 25 21,3 01C1238 12 3/8 10,5 29,8 21 8 25 29,7 01C1212 12 1/2 13,5 32,3 21 8 25 39 01C1438 14 3/8 10,5 34,2 21 8 25 34,9 01C1412 14 1/2 13,5 32,7 21 10 25 37,5 * codes without key flats having the following Ø: 0104M5 and 0104M6 = Ø9 0106M5 and 0106M6 = Ø11
16 Pneumatic fittings Push-in fittings Brass push-in fittings Series RAP - RAP BLACK - OT Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice COD. ØD ØC ØB L 040400 4 3 9 18,55 50 7,6 040600 6 5 11 20,4 50 8,6 040800 8 7 13 23,3 50 13,7 041000 10 9 16 27,1 50 20,1 041200 12 11 19 29,3 25 47,2 041400 14 13 21 31,7 25 45 Elbow connector 04 ART. Straight female adaptor 02 ART. COD. ØD G ØC ØB H L 020418 4 1/8 3 12 7,5 26,5 9 50 10,7 020414 4 1/4 3 17 11,5 29,5 9 50 19,1 020618 6 1/8 5 12 7,5 29,1 11 50 11 020614 6 1/4 5 17 11,5 31,9 11 50 16,8 020818 8 1/8 7 12 7,5 28 13 50 10,9 020814 8 1/4 7 17 11,5 33,3 13 50 19,2 L G ØB ØC H ØD Straight connector 03 ART. COD. ØD ØD1 ØB ØC L 030400 4 4 3 11 32,7 50 5,7 030600 6 6 5 13 37,3 50 9,5 030800 8 8 7 13 38,6 50 12,5 031000 10 10 9 18 43,3 50 17,8 031200 12 12 11 21 46,4 25 32,5 031400 14 14 13 21 50 25 36 COD. ØD ØC M L 03F0400 4 3 11x1 32,7 50 10,7 03F0600 6 5 14x1 37,3 50 18,7 03F0800 8 7 16x1 38,6 50 24,1 03F1000 10 9 18x1 43,3 50 33,4 03F1200 12 11 22x1 46,4 25 53,3 03F1400 14 13 24x1 50 25 61,2 Threaded connector 03F ART. ØC L M ØD ØC L L ØD ØB ØD
17 Pneumatic fittings Brass push-in fittings Series RAP - RAP BLACK - OT Push-in fittings Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice Plug-in elbow connector 04L0 ART. T connector 05 ART. COD. ØD ØD1 ØB L 050400 4 3 9 18.55 50 10,8 050600 6 5 11 21.2 50 12,2 050800 8 7 13 23.3 50 16,4 051000 10 8 16 26.9 25 30,6 051200 12 10 19 29.3 25 56 051400 14 12 21 31.7 10 58,3 Adaptor parallel (short) 06 ART. COD. ØD1 ØD2 L1 L2 L3 0404L0 4 4 34,5 18.55 16,7 50 6,6 0406L0 6 6 39 20.4 19,5 50 7,5 0408L0 8 8 43 23.8 21 50 22,4 0410L0 10 10 51 27.1 24 25 27 0412L0 12 12 54 29.3 25 25 64 COD. ØB F ØA ØC ØD H L 0604M5 4M58 2 2 424,78 50 3,6 0604M6 4M69 2 2 525,78 50 3,7 060418 4 1/8 13 5,5 2 5,5 27,7 13 50 9,1 060414 4 1/4 16 7,5 2 6,5 29,2 13 50 11,2 0606M5 6 M5 8 2,6 2,6 4 27,5 8 50 4,6 060618 6 1/8 13 5,5 4 5,5 30,5 13 50 9,6 060614 6 1/4 16 7,5 4 6,5 33.5 13 50 12 060818 8 1/8 13 6 6 5,5 32,0 13 50 10,5 060814 8 1/4 16 7,5 6 6,5 33,5 13 50 31,1 060838 8 3/8 20 9 6 7,5 35,5 13 50 18,9 061018 10 1/8 13 6 6 5,5 35,0 13 50 16,7 061014 10 1/4 16 8 8 6,5 38 13 50 14,1 061038 10 3/8 20 8 8 7,5 39,5 13 50 20,8 061214 12 1/4 16 8 8 6,5 37,5 13 25 21,5 061238 12 3/8 20 11 10 7,5 40,5 13 25 21,1 061212 12 1/2 24 13 10 9 42,0 16 25 31,3 061438 14 3/8 20 12 12 7,5 43,0 16 25 22,3 061412 14 1/2 24 13 12 9 44,5 16 25 32,2 ØD2 L3 L1 ØD1 L2 ØD1 L L L ØD ØB ØD ØB ØD L H ØC ØA F
18 Pneumatic fittings Push-in fittings Brass push-in fittings Series RAP - RAP BLACK - OT Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice COD. ØD1 ØD2 ØB L 08E0406 4 6 11 40,4 50 7,5 08E0608 6 8 13 44 50 11,3 Plug-in increaser 08E ART. Adaptor parallel (long) 60 ART. COD. ØD G ØC ØB H L ØA 600418 4 1/8 2 13 5,5 39,2 6 13 50 10,2 600618 6 1/8 4 13 5,5 44,5 5,5 13 50 13,5 600614 6 1/4 4 16 6,5 48 7,5 13 50 18,1 600818 8 1/8 6 13 5,5 48 6 13 50 19,1 600814 8 1/4 6 16 6,5 49,5 7,5 13 50 19,8 600838 8 3/8 6 20 7,5 51,5 9 13 50 27 601038 10 3/8 8 20 7,5 56 9 13 25 33,2 Connector 07 ART. COD. ØD ØB L 070400 4 2 33,4 100 2,6 070600 6 4 39 50 5 070800 8 6 42 50 7,5 071000 10 8 48 50 10,8 071200 12 10 48 50 14,3 COD. ØD1 ØD2 ØB L 080604 6 4 9 32,85 50 5,5 080804 8 4 9 34 50 9,7 080806 8 6 11 36,9 50 8,6 081006 10 6 11 39,9 50 15,5 081008 10 8 13 39,3 50 11,8 081208 12 8 13 39,8 25 18,8 081210 12 10 16 41,9 25 16,6 081406 14 6 15 36,9 25 36 Plug-in reducer 08 ART. D2 ØA ØB G L H ØC ØD L ØC ØD L ØD2 ØB ØD1 L ØD2 ØB ØD1
19 Pneumatic fittings Brass push-in fittings Series RAP - RAP BLACK - OT Push-in fittings Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice Plug 09 ART. Bulkhead connector 10 ART. COD. ØD ØC M Imax L 100400 4 3 11x1 14 32,7 14 50 15,8 100600 6 5 14x1 14,5 37,3 17 50 25,9 100800 8 7 16x1 15 38,6 18 50 30 101000 10 9 18x1 16,5 43,3 21 25 44,4 101200 12 11 22x1 18,6 46,4 26 25 70,6 101400 14 13 24x1 21,7 50 27 25 79,9 Elbow bulkhead 10L ART. COD. ØD M H L1 L2 1 2 10L0400 4 M11x1 12,5 25,5 20 13 13 50 22,4 10L0600 6 M14x1 15 28 21 17 17 50 31,1 10L0800 8 M16x1 17 30,5 24 18 18 50 35 10L1000 10 M18x1 19 35 27 21 21 25 52,7 Single banjo body 13 ART. COD. ØD ØB L 090400 4 5 26 50 3,1 090600 6 7 29 50 4,7 090800 8 9 31,5 50 7,7 091000 10 11 35 50 10,8 091200 12 13 37 25 14,5 COD. ØD G* ØA ØB H L 1304M5 4 M5 5 9 9 19,85 50 5,9 130418 4 1/8 9,9 14 15 21,65 50 13,4 130618 6 1/8 9,9 14 15 24,9 50 14,2 130614 6 1/4 13,3 18 17 26,1 50 20,4 130818 8 1/8 9,9 14 15 25,15 50 14,6 130814 8 1/4 13,3 18 17 26,8 50 20,8 130838 8 3/8 16,75 21 20 28,3 50 27,6 131014 10 1/4 13,3 18 17 28,9 50 25,7 131038 10 3/8 16,75 21 20 30,35 25 30 131214 12 1/4 13,3 18 17 30,7 25 28,1 131238 12 3/8 16,75 21 20 31,6 25 32,6 131212 12 1/2 21 26 24 35,15 25 47,3 13R04M5 4 M5 6 9 10 19,85 50 5,4 13R06M5 6 M5 6 9 10 22,1 50 7,9 L ØB ØD l max ØC L M ØD L H ØD ØB ØA G* = stem thread. See page 91 of stem section
20 Pneumatic fittings Push-in fittings Brass push-in fittings Series RAP - RAP BLACK - OT Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice Double banjo body 14 ART. COD. ØD G* ØA ØB H L 140618 6 1/8 9,9 14 15 24,3 50 17,2 140818 8 1/8 9,9 14 15 24,8 50 18 140814 8 1/4 13,3 18 17 26,5 50 27,6 140838 8 3/8 16,75 21 20 28 50 32,2 141014 10 1/4 13,3 18 17 28,4 50 31,4 141038 10 3/8 16,75 21 20 29,9 25 36,9 Complete single banjo (rotating under pressure) 15 ART. COD. ØD G ØA H L1 L 1504M5 4 M5 2 4 16,8 19,85 2,5 50 8,4 1504M6 4 M6 2 5 17,8 19,85 2,5 50 8,5 150418 4 1/8 5,5 5,5 24,5 21,65 3 50 22,9 1506M5 6 M5 2 4 16,8 22,4 2,5 50 9,3 150618 6 1/8 5,5 5,5 24,5 24,9 3 50 23,3 150614 6 1/4 7,8 6,5 27,8 26,1 4 50 38,8 150818 8 1/8 5,5 5,5 24,5 25,15 3 50 24,2 150814 8 1/4 7,8 6,5 27,8 26,8 4 50 39,4 150838 8 3/8 10 7,5 32,5 28,3 5 25 60 151014 10 1/4 7,8 6,5 27,8 28,9 4 25 44,6 151038 10 3/8 10 7,5 32,5 30,35 5 25 63,5 151214 12 1/4 7,8 6,5 27,8 30,85 4 25 46,9 151238 12 3/8 10 7,5 32,5 31,6 5 25 65,2 151212 12 1/2 12 9 38,8 35,15 8 10 110 COD. ØD G ØA H L1 L 160618 6 1/8 5,5 5,5 24,5 24,3 3 50 27,4 160818 8 1/8 5,5 5,5 25 24,8 3 50 27,4 160814 8 1/4 7,8 6,5 28 26,5 4 25 32,1 160838 8 3/8 10 7,5 32,5 28 5 25 39,8 161014 10 1/4 7,8 6,5 28 28,4 4 25 49,9 161038 10 3/8 10 7,5 32,5 29,9 5 25 55,1 Complete double banjo (rotating under pressure) 16 ART. L L H ØD ØB ØA H L L L1 ØA ØD G H L L1 ØD G ØA G* = Stem thread. See page 91 of stem section
21 Pneumatic fittings Brass push-in fittings Series RAP - RAP BLACK - OT Push-in fittings Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice Elbow tapered male adpater 19 ART. Swivel male stud T (parallel) 20 ART. COD. ØD A H ØB L1 L2 2004M5 4 M5 3,5 11 18,1 15,7 10 50 16,6 200418 4 1/8 5,5 11,3 18,1 18,5 13 50 21,5 200414 4 1/4 6,5 11,3 18,1 20,5 16 50 28,7 2006M5 6 M5 3,5 12 20,1 15,7 10 50 16 200618 6 1/8 5,5 11 20,118,513 50 20,1 200614 6 1/4 6,5 11 20,1 20,5 16 50 27,4 200818 8 1/8 5,5 13 23,6 20,5 13 50 25,8 200814 8 1/4 6,5 13 23,6 21,3 16 50 29,8 200838 8 3/8 7,5 13 23,6 22,8 16 25 36 201014 10 1/4 6,5 16 28,6 25,7 16 25 50,3 201038 10 3/8 7,5 16 28,6 25,7 17 25 50,3 Swivel male branch T (parallel) 21 ART. COD. ØD G H ØB L1 L2 2104M5 4 M5 4 8 16,5 19 9 50 14,7 210418 4 G1/8 5,5 13 18,5 17,5 13 50 26,8 210414 4 G1/4 6,5 16 22,5 19 13 50 29,7 210618 6 G1/8 5,5 13 20 21 13 50 29 210614 6 G1/4 6,5 16 24 21 13 50 31,8 210818 8 G1/8 5,5 13 20 23 13 50 29,6 210814 8 G1/4 6,5 16 24 23 13 50 32,6 210838 8 G3/8 4,5 20 25,5 23 17 25 37,2 211014 10 G1/4 6,5 16 24 27 16 25 51,5 COD. ØD G ØB E L 190418 4 1/8 9 19,35 16,5 10 100 11,6 190618 6 1/8 11 24,4 16,5 10 100 13,3 190614 6 1/4 11 25,4 22 11 100 19,3 190818 8 1/8 13 25,3 18,5 11 100 16,5 190814 8 1/4 13 25,3 22,0 11 100 19,1 191014 10 1/4 16 26,9 23,5 13 50 25,4 E G L ØD ØB A L2 H ØB ØD L1
22 Pneumatic fittings Push-in fittings Brass push-in fittings Series RAP - RAP BLACK - OT Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice Swivel elbow male adaptor (parallel) 22 ART. COD. ØD A H ØB L1 L2 2204M5 4 M5 4 9,1 18,55 14,8 9 100 8,9 2204M12 4 M12x1,5 6,5 9,1 20,35 22,4 13 100 10 220418 4 1/8 5,5 9,1 20,35 19,9 13 100 18,1 220414 4 1/4 6,5 9,1 20,35 22,7 13 100 21,6 220438 4 3/8 7,5 9,1 20,35 24,9 13 100 21,9 2206M5 6 M5 4 11 22,4 15 9 100 10,6 2206M12 6 M12x1,5 6,5 11 23,9 22,2 13 100 12,7 220618 6 1/8 5,5 11 23,9 19,7 13 100 19,5 220614 6 1/4 6,5 11 23,9 22,7 13 100 22,6 220638 6 3/8 7,5 11 23,9 24,7 13 100 28,3 2208M12 8 M12x1,5 6,5 13 24,3 22,2 13 100 21,3 220818 8 1/8 5,5 13 23,95 19,7 13 100 18,8 220814 8 1/4 6,5 13 24,3 22,7 13 50 21,9 220838 8 3/8 7,5 13 24,3 24,7 13 50 28,4 221014 10 1/4 6,5 16 28,4 22,6 16 50 32,8 221038 10 3/8 7,5 16 28,4 26,6 16 50 38,8 221012 10 1/2 9 16 28,4 28,1 16 50 43,5 221214 12 1/4 6,5 19 31,4 29,2 16 25 60,3 221238 12 3/8 7,5 19 31,4 27,2 20 25 58,7 221212 12 1/2 9 19 31,4 31,7 20 25 68,8 221438 14 3/8 7,5 21 32,0 28,5 20 25 57,5 221412 14 1/2 9 21 32,0 33,5 20 25 71 Swivel longer elbow male adaptor (parallel) 22L ART. COD. ØD G ØB H L1 L2 22L0418 4 G1/8 13 5,5 33,2 20,35 13 25 29,1 22L0414 4 G1/4 16 6,5 38,2 20,35 13 25 32,5 22L0618 6 G1/8 13 5,5 33 23,9 13 25 30,5 22L0614 6 G1/4 16 6,5 38 23,9 13 25 34,2 22L0818 8 G1/8 13 5,5 33 24 13 25 30,2 22L0814 8 G1/4 16 6,5 38 24,3 13 25 33,7 22L1014 10 G1/4 16 6,5 40,5 28,4 16 25 52,5 COD. ØD1 ØD2 L1 L2 L3 2204L0 4 4 25,2 20,35 16,2 50 8,9 2206L0 6 6 28,5 23,9 19,5 50 19,1 2208L0 8 8 30 24,3 21 50 21,6 2210L0 10 10 35 28,4 24 25 26,5 2212L0 12 12 38,5 31,4 25 25 31,7 Plug-in elbow connector 22L0 ART. L1 L2 H ØD ØB ØA
23 Pneumatic fittings Brass push-in fittings Series RAP - RAP BLACK - OT Push-in fittings Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice Female bulkhead 25 ART. Cartrige 27 ART. COD. ØD ØC H ØS L 270400 4 2,9 14 9,1 13,5 100 1,3 270600 6 4,5 16 11,1 15,5 50 4,8 270800 8 6,5 17 13,6 16,5 50 3,2 COD. ØA C ØB D E L 250418 4 1/8 M12x1 13,5 8,5 23,5 14 25 15,8 250618 6 1/8 M14x1 16,8 8,5 29,3 17 25 23,7 250614 6 1/4 M14x1 16,8 11,0 24,6 17 25 26,8 250818 8 1/8 M16x1 20,7 8,5 32,2 19 25 29,7 250814 8 1/4 M16x1 20,7 11,0 26,8 19 25 36,5 ØA H Sm. 1x45° ØC ØS -0.05 L ØA ØB L D E C Ø Cartrige ØA ØB ØC L1 L2 Ø 4 20 4 3.5 -0.1 20 12,5 Ø 6 20 6 5.1 -0.1 20 12,5 Ø 8 20 8 7.1 -0.1 20.5 12,5 Ø L Ø Cartrige 9 -0.05 13.5 -0.1 Ø 4 10.97 -0.05 15.5 -0.1 Ø 6 12.95 -0.05 16.5 -0.1 Ø 8 Ø Cartrige Ø L Ø 4 9.1 -0.05 13.5 -0.1 Ø 6 11.1 -0.05 15.5 -0.1 Ø 8 13.6 -0.05 16.5 -0.1 COD. ØD ØC ØB H 270400 4 2.9 7.8 14 270600 6 5 10 16 270800 8 7 11.8 17 Assembly instructions Table for housing on plastic material Table for housing on aluminium L1 ØB ØC A L1 Sm0.1x45° ØC ØB H H Sm1x45° Ø L
24 Pneumatic fittings Push-in fittings Brass push-in fittings Series RAP - RAP BLACK - OT Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice Swivel double banjo stem 33 ART. COD. ØD G ØA H L1 L 330418 4 1/8 5,5 5,5 43,3 21,65 14 3 25 44,41 330618 6 1/8 5,5 5,5 43,3 24,9 14 3 25 45,5 330614 6 1/4 7,8 6,5 50 26,1 18 4 25 75,6 330818 8 1/8 5,5 5,5 43,3 25,1 14 3 25 48,5 330814 8 1/4 7,8 6,5 50 26,8 18 4 25 76,4 331014 10 1/4 7,8 6,5 50 28,9 18 4 25 87 ØD ØA G H L1 L Swivel triple banjo stem 34 ART. COD. ØD G ØA H L1 L 340418 4 1/8 5,5 5,5 58,4 21,65 14 3 10 54,1 340618 6 1/8 5,5 5,5 58,4 24,9 14 3 10 63,9 340614 6 1/4 7,8 6,5 67,1 26,1 18 4 10 65,6 340818 8 1/8 5,5 5,5 58,4 25,1 14 3 10 66,2 340814 8 1/4 7,8 6,5 67,1 26,8 18 4 10 108 341014 10 1/4 7,8 6,5 67,1 28,9 18 4 10 151,1 ØD ØA G H L1 L Straight male adaptor (parallel) larger pusher 01AM ART. COD. ØD ØD1 G ØC ØB H L 010814AM 8 25 1/4 6,2 17 6,5 25,6 13 6 13 ØD1 ØD L H ØB ØG ØC Straight connector larger pusher 03AM ART. COD. ØD ØD1 ØD2 ØB L 030800AM 8 15 25 7 39,9 12,7 L ØD2 ØD1 ØB ØD
25 Pneumatic fittings Brass push-in fittings Series RAP - RAP BLACK - OT Push-in fittings Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice COD. ØD ØD1 ØC ØB L1 L 040800AM 8 25 7 13 24,6 23,3 15 Elbow connector larger pusher 04AM ART. ØD1 L1 L ØB ØD ØC COD. ØD ØD1 G ØA H L L1 150814AM 8 25 1/4 7,8 6,5 27,9 27,8 4 40 Complete single banjo (rotating under pressure) larger pusher 15AM ART. L1 L ØD1 ØD H ØA G
26 Pneumatic fittings Push-in fittings Brass push-in fittings Series RAP - RAP BLACK - OT Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice Straight male adaptor (parallel) B01 ART. COD. ØD G ØC ØB H L B0104M5 4 M5 2 8 4 20,85 * 2 100 5,8 B0104M6 4 M6 2,5 9 5 21,85 * 2,5 50 4,3 B010418 4 1/8 2,5 13,5 5,5 20 9 2,5 50 7,4 B010414 4 1/4 2,5 17 6,5 20 9 2,5 50 11 B0106M5 6 M5 2,5 8 4 24,4 * 2,5 50 6 B0106M6 6 M6 2,5 11 5 25,4 * 2,5 50 6,7 B010618 6 1/8 4,1 13,5 5,5 25,4 11 4 50 10,1 B010614 6 1/4 4,1 17 6,5 23,4 11 4 50 13,6 B010818 8 1/8 5,1 13 5,5 26,8 13 5 50 11,3 B010814 8 1/4 6,1 17 6,5 24 13 6 50 12,5 B010838 8 3/8 6,1 20 7,5 24 13 6 50 18,9 B010812 8 1/2 6,1 24 9 25 13 6 25 18 B011018 10 1/8 5,1 13,5 5,5 30,3 16 4 25 19,6 B011014 10 1/4 7,2 16 6,5 29,4 16 7 50 18,1 B011038 10 3/8 8,2 21 7,5 29,4 16 8 50 24,9 B011012 10 1/2 8,2 24 9 29,4 16 8 25 34,8 B011214 12 1/4 7,2 16 6,5 32,2 19 7 25 26,3 B011238 12 3/8 10,2 22 7,5 32,2 19 10 25 31,2 B011212 12 1/2 10,2 24 9 31,7 19 10 25 37,3 B011438 14 3/8 10,2 21 7,5 35 21 10 25 35,9 B011412 14 1/2 12,2 25 9 34,3 21 12 25 39,3 ØG H L ØD ØC ØB *codes without key flats having the following Ø: B0104M5 and B0104M6 = Ø9 B0106M5 and B0106M6 = Ø11 Straight male adaptor (tapered) B01C ART. COD. ØD G H L B01C0418 4 1/8 7,5 19,6 10 3 50 6,3 B01C0414 4 1/4 9,5 18 14 3 50 12,1 B01C0438 4 3/8 10,5 19,1 17 3 25 21,7 B01C0618 6 1/8 7,5 20,3 12 4 50 7,1 B01C0614 6 1/4 9,5 22,1 14 4 50 12,9 B01C0638 6 3/8 10,5 20,1 17 4 25 21,1 B01C0612 6 1/2 13,5 24,1 24 4 25 39,3 B01C0818 8 1/8 7,5 25,7 14 5 50 11,2 B01C0814 8 1/4 9,5 24,7 14 6 50 12,3 B01C0838 8 3/8 10,5 21,7 17 6 50 18,3 B01C0812 8 1/2 12,5 25,7 21 6 25 36,5 B01C1018 10 1/8 7,5 29,3 17 4 25 18,1 B01C1014 10 1/4 9,5 30,8 17 6 50 19,7 B01C1038 10 3/8 10,5 28,3 17 8 50 20,5 B01C1012 10 1/2 13,5 26,1 21 8 25 34,9 B01C1218 12 1/8 7,5 30,8 21 4 25 28,4 B01C1214 12 1/4 9,5 32,8 19 6 25 21,3 B01C1238 12 3/8 10,5 29,8 21 8 25 29,7 B01C1212 12 1/2 13,5 32,3 21 8 25 39 B01C1438 14 3/8 10,5 34,2 21 8 25 34,9 B01C1412 14 1/2 13,5 32,7 21 10 25 37,5 L H G ØD
27 Pneumatic fittings Brass push-in fittings Series RAP - RAP BLACK - OT Push-in fittings Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice Straight female adaptor B02 ART. COD. ØD G ØC ØB H L B020418 4 1/8 3 12 7,5 26,5 9 50 10,7 B020414 4 1/4 3 17 11,5 29,5 9 50 19,1 B020618 6 1/8 5 12 7,5 29,1 11 50 11 B020614 6 1/4 5 17 11,5 31,9 11 50 16,8 B020818 8 1/8 7 12 7,5 28 13 50 10,9 B020814 8 1/4 7 17 11,5 33,3 13 50 19,2 L G ØB ØC H ØD Straight connector B03 ART. COD. ØD ØD1 ØB ØC L B030400 4 4 3 11 32,7 50 5,7 B030600 6 6 5 13 37,3 50 9,5 B030800 8 8 7 13 38,6 50 12,5 B031000 10 10 9 18 43,3 50 17,8 B031200 12 12 11 21 46,4 25 32,5 B031400 14 14 13 21 50 25 36 COD. ØD ØC M L B03F0400 4 3 11x1 32 50 10,7 B03F0600 6 5 14x1 36,1 50 18,7 B03F0800 8 7 16x1 38 50 24,1 B03F1000 10 9 18x1 42,3 50 33,4 B03F1200 12 11 22x1 45,8 25 53,3 B03F1400 14 13 24x1 47,5 25 61,2 Threaded connector B03F ART. ØC L M ØD COD. ØD ØC ØB L B040400 4 3 9 18,55 50 7,6 B040600 6 5 11 20,4 50 8,6 B040800 8 7 13 23,3 50 13,7 B041000 10 9 16 27,1 50 20,1 B041200 12 11 19 29,3 25 47,2 B041400 14 13 21 31,7 25 45 Elbow connector B04 ART. ØC L L ØD ØB ØD
28 Pneumatic fittings Push-in fittings Brass push-in fittings Series RAP - RAP BLACK - OT Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice T connector B05 ART. COD. ØD ØC ØB L B050400 4 3 9 18.55 50 10,8 B050600 6 5 11 21.2 50 12,2 B050800 8 7 13 23.3 50 16,4 B051000 10 8 16 26.9 25 30,6 B051200 12 10 19 29.3 25 56 B051400 14 12 21 31.7 10 58,3 ØD1 L L L ØD ØB ØD Plug-in elbow connector B04L0 ART. COD. ØD1 ØD2 L1 L2 L3 B0404L0 4 4 34,5 18.55 16,7 50 6,6 B0406L0 6 6 39 20.4 19,5 50 7,5 B0408L0 8 8 43 23.8 21 50 22,4 B0410L0 10 10 51 27.1 24 25 27 B0412L0 12 12 54 29.3 25 25 64 ØD2 L3 L1 ØD1 L2 COD. ØD1 ØD2 ØB L B080604 6 4 9 32,85 50 5,5 B080804 8 4 9 34 50 9,7 B080806 8 6 11 36,9 50 8,6 B081006 10 6 11 39,9 50 15,5 B081008 10 8 13 39,3 50 11,8 B081208 12 8 13 39,8 25 18,8 B081210 12 10 16 41,9 25 16,6 B081406 14 6 15 36,9 25 36 Plug-in reducer B08 ART. L ØD2 ØB ØD1 COD. ØD1 ØD2 ØB L B08E0406 4 6 11 40,4 50 7,5 B08E0608 6 8 13 44 50 11,3 Plug-in increaser B08/E ART. L ØD2 ØB ØD1
29 Pneumatic fittings Brass push-in fittings Series RAP - RAP BLACK - OT Push-in fittings Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice Bulkhead connector B10 ART. COD. ØD ØC M Imax L B100400 4 3 11x1 14 32,7 14 50 15,8 B100600 6 5 14x1 14,5 37,3 17 50 25,9 B100800 8 7 16x1 15 38,6 18 50 30 B101000 10 9 18x1 16,5 43,3 21 25 44,4 B101200 12 11 22x1 18,6 46,4 26 25 70,6 B101400 14 13 24x1 21,7 50 27 25 79,9 l max ØC L M ØD Elbow bulkhead B10L ART. COD. ØD M H L1 L2 1 2 B10L0400 4 M11x1 12,5 25,5 20 13 13 50 22,4 B10L0600 6 M14x1 15 28 21 17 17 50 31,1 B10L0800 8 M16x1 17 30,5 24 18 18 50 35 B10L1000 10 M18x1 19 35 27 21 21 25 52,7 COD. ØD G* ØA ØB H L B1304M5 4 M5 5 9 9 19,85 50 5,9 B130418 4 1/8 9,9 14 15 21,65 50 13,4 B130618 6 1/8 9,9 14 15 24,9 50 14,2 B130614 6 1/4 13,3 18 17 26,1 50 20,4 B130818 8 1/8 9,9 14 15 25,15 50 14,6 B130814 8 1/4 13,3 18 17 26,8 50 20,8 B130838 8 3/8 16,75 21 20 28,3 50 27,6 B131014 10 1/4 13,3 18 17 28,9 50 25,7 B131038 10 3/8 16,75 21 20 30,35 25 30 B131214 12 1/4 13,3 18 17 30,7 25 28,1 B131238 12 3/8 16,75 21 20 31,6 25 32,6 B131212 12 1/2 21 26 24 35,15 25 47,3 B13R04M5 4 M5 6 9 10 19,85 50 5,4 B13R06M5 6 M5 6 9 10 22,1 50 7,9 Single banjo body B13 ART. L H ØD ØB ØA G* = Stem thread. See page 91 of stem section. COD. ØD G* ØA ØB H L B140618 6 1/8 9,9 14 15 24,3 50 17,2 B140818 8 1/8 9,9 14 15 24,8 50 18 B140814 8 1/4 13,3 18 17 26,5 50 27,6 B140838 8 3/8 16,75 21 20 28 50 32,2 B141014 10 1/4 13,3 18 17 28,4 50 31,4 B141038 10 3/8 16,75 21 20 29,9 25 36,9 G* = Stem thread. See page 91 of stem section. Double banjo body B14 ART. L L H ØD ØB ØA
30 Pneumatic fittings Push-in fittings Brass push-in fittings Series RAP - RAP BLACK - OT Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice COD. ØD G ØB E L B190418 4 1/8 9 19,35 16,5 10 100 11,6 B190618 6 1/8 11 24,4 16,5 10 100 13,3 B190614 6 1/4 11 25,4 22 11 100 19,3 B190818 8 1/8 13 25,3 18,5 11 100 16,5 B190814 8 1/4 13 25,3 22,0 11 100 19,1 B191014 10 1/4 16 26,9 23,5 13 50 25,4 Elbow male adaptor B19 ART. E G L ØD ØB Complete single banjo (rotating under pressure) B15 ART. COD. ØD G ØA H L1 L B1504M5 4 M5 2 4 16,8 19,85 2,5 50 8,4 B1504M6 4 M6 2 5 17,8 19,85 2,5 50 8,5 B150418 4 1/8 5,5 5,5 24,5 21,65 3 50 22,9 B1506M5 6 M5 2 4 16,8 22,4 2,5 50 9,3 B150618 6 1/8 5,5 5,5 24,5 24,9 3 50 23,3 B150614 6 1/4 7,8 6,5 27,8 26,1 4 50 38,8 B150818 8 1/8 5,5 5,5 24,5 25,15 3 50 24,2 B150814 8 1/4 7,8 6,5 27,8 26,8 4 50 39,4 B150838 8 3/8 10 7,5 32,5 28,3 5 25 60 B151014 10 1/4 7,8 6,5 27,8 28,9 4 25 44,6 B151038 10 3/8 10 7,5 32,5 30,35 5 25 63,5 B151214 12 1/4 7,8 6,5 27,8 30,85 4 25 46,9 B151238 12 3/8 10 7,5 32,5 31,6 5 25 65,2 B151212 12 1/2 12 9 38,8 35,15 8 10 110 H L L1 ØD G ØA COD. ØD G ØA H L1 L B160618 6 1/8 5,5 5,5 24,5 24,3 3 50 27,4 B160818 8 1/8 5,5 5,5 25 24,8 3 50 27,4 B160814 8 1/4 7,8 6,5 28 26,5 4 25 32,1 B160838 8 3/8 10 7,5 32,5 28 5 25 39,8 B161014 10 1/4 7,8 6,5 28 28,4 4 25 49,9 B161038 10 3/8 10 7,5 32,5 29,9 5 25 55,1 Complete double banjo (rotating under pressure) B16 ART. H L L L1 ØA ØD G COD. ØD A H ØB L1 L2 B2004M5 4 M5 4 9 17,3 20,0 8 50 16,6 B200418 4 1/8 5,5 11,40 17,3 18,5 13 50 21,5 B200414 4 1/4 6,5 9 19,0 22,5 16 50 28,7 B2006M5 6 M5 4 11,20 20,5 21 8 50 16 B200618 6 1/8 5,5 11 19,5 18,5 13 50 20,1 B200614 6 1/4 6,5 11 22,1 22,5 16 50 27,4 B200818 8 1/8 5,5 13 23,0 20,5 13 50 25,8 B200814 8 1/4 6,5 13 23,0 22,5 16 50 29,8 B200838 8 3/8 7,5 13 24,5 25,5 18 25 36 B201014 10 1/4 6,5 16 26,4 24,5 16 25 50,3 B201038 10 3/8 7,5 16 26,4 25,5 18 25 50,3 Swivel male stud T parallel B20 ART. A L2 H ØB ØD L1
31 Pneumatic fittings Brass push-in fittings Series RAP - RAP BLACK - OT Push-in fittings Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice Swivel male branch T (parallel) B21 ART. COD. ØD G H ØB L1 L2 B2104M5 4 M5 4 8 16,5 19 9 50 14,7 B210418 4 G1/8 5,5 13 18,5 17,5 13 50 26,8 B210414 4 G1/4 6,5 16 22,5 19 13 50 29,7 B210618 6 G1/8 5,5 13 20 21 13 50 29 B210614 6 G1/4 6,5 16 24 21 13 50 31,8 B210818 8 G1/8 5,5 13 20 23 13 50 29,6 B210814 8 G1/4 6,5 16 24 23 13 50 32,6 B210838 8 G3/8 4,5 20 25,5 23 17 25 37,2 B211014 10 G1/4 6,5 16 24 27 16 25 51,5 Swivel elbow male adaptor (parallel) B22 ART. L1 L2 H ØD ØB ØA Swivel longer elbow male adaptor (parallel) B22L ART. COD. ØD G ØB H L1 L2 B22L0418 4 G1/8 13 5,5 33,2 20,35 13 25 29,1 B22L0414 4 G1/4 16 6,5 38,2 20,35 13 25 32,5 B22L0618 6 G1/8 13 5,5 33 23,9 13 25 30,5 B22L0614 6 G1/4 16 6,5 38 23,9 13 25 34,2 B22L0818 8 G1/8 13 5,5 33 24 13 25 30,2 B22L0814 8 G1/4 16 6,5 38 24,3 13 25 33,7 B22L1014 10 G1/4 16 6,5 40,5 28,4 16 25 52,5 COD. ØD A H ØB L1 L2 B2204M5 4 M5 4 9,1 18,55 14,8 9 100 8,9 B2204M12 4 M12x1,5 6,5 9,1 20,35 22,4 13 100 10 B220418 4 1/8 5,5 9,1 20,35 19,9 13 100 18,1 B220414 4 1/4 6,5 9,1 20,35 22,7 13 100 21,6 B220438 4 3/8 7,5 9,1 20,35 24,9 13 100 21,9 B2206M5 6 M5 4 11 22,4 15 9 100 10,6 B2206M12 6 M12x1,5 6,5 11 23,9 22,2 13 100 12,7 B220618 6 1/8 5,5 11 23,9 19,7 13 100 19,5 B220614 6 1/4 6,5 11 23,9 22,7 13 100 22,6 B220638 6 3/8 7,5 11 23,9 24,7 13 100 28,3 B2208M12 8 M12x1,5 6,5 13 24,3 22,2 13 100 21,3 B220818 8 1/8 5,5 13 23,95 19,7 13 100 18,8 B220814 8 1/4 6,5 13 24,3 22,7 13 50 21,9 B220838 8 3/8 7,5 13 24,3 24,7 13 50 28,4 B221014 10 1/4 6,5 16 28,4 22,6 16 50 32,8 B221038 10 3/8 7,5 16 28,4 26,6 16 50 38,8 B221012 10 1/2 9 16 28,4 28,1 16 50 43,5 B221214 12 1/4 6,5 19 31,4 29,2 16 25 60,3 B221238 12 3/8 7,5 19 31,4 27,2 20 25 58,7 B221212 12 1/2 9 19 31,4 31,7 20 25 68,8 B221438 14 3/8 7,5 21 32,0 28,5 20 25 57,5 B221412 14 1/2 9 21 32,0 33,5 20 25 71
32 Pneumatic fittings Push-in fittings Brass push-in fittings Series RAP - RAP BLACK - OT Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice COD. ØD1 ØD2 L1 L2 L3 B2204L0 4 4 25,2 20,35 16,2 50 8,9 B2206L0 6 6 28,5 23,9 19,5 50 19,1 B2208L0 8 8 30 24,3 21 50 21,6 B2210L0 10 10 35 28,4 24 25 26,5 B2212L0 12 12 38,5 31,4 25 25 31,7 Plug-in elbow connector B22L0 ART. Female bulkhead B25 ART. ØA ØB L D E C COD. ØA C ØB D E L B250418 4 1/8 M12x1 13,5 8,5 23,5 14 25 15,8 B250618 6 1/8 M14x1 16,8 8,5 29,3 17 25 23,7 B250614 6 1/4 M14x1 16,8 11,0 24,6 17 25 26,8 B250818 8 1/8 M16x1 20,7 8,5 32,2 19 25 29,7 B250814 8 1/4 M16x1 20,7 11,0 26,8 19 25 36,5 COD. ØD ØC H ØS L B270400 4 2,9 14 9,1 13,5 100 1,3 B270600 6 4,5 16 11,1 15,5 50 4,8 B270800 8 6,5 17 13,6 16,5 50 3,2 Cartrige B27 ART. ØA H Sm. 1x45° ØC ØS -0.05 L Ø Cartuccia ØA ØB ØC L1 L2 Ø 4 20 4 3.5 -0.1 20 12,5 Ø 6 20 6 5.1 -0.1 20 12,5 Ø 8 20 8 7.1 -0.1 20.5 12,5 COD. ØD ØC ØB H 270400 4 2.9 7.8 14 270600 6 5 10 16 270800 8 7 11.8 17 Assembly instructions Ø L Ø Cartuccia 9 -0.05 13.5 -0.1 Ø 4 10.97 -0.05 15.5 -0.1 Ø 6 12.95 -0.05 16.5 -0.1 Ø 8 Ø Cartuccia Ø L Ø 4 9.1 -0.05 13.5 -0.1 Ø 6 11.1 -0.05 15.5 -0.1 Ø 8 13.6 -0.05 16.5 -0.1 Table for housing on plastic material Table for housing on aluminium
33 Pneumatic fittings Brass push-in fittings Series RAP - RAP BLACK - OT Push-in fittings Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice Swivel double banjo stem B33 ART. ØD ØA G H L1 L Swivel triple banjo stem B34 ART. ØD ØA G H L1 L COD. ØD G ØA H L1 L B330418 4 1/8 5,5 5,5 43,3 21,65 14 3 25 44,41 B330618 6 1/8 5,5 5,5 43,3 24,9 14 3 25 45,5 B330614 6 1/4 7,8 6,5 50 26,1 18 4 25 75,6 B330818 8 1/8 5,5 5,5 43,3 25,1 14 3 25 48,5 B330814 8 1/4 7,8 6,5 50 26,8 18 4 25 76,4 B331014 10 1/4 7,8 6,5 50 28,9 18 4 25 87 COD. ØD G ØA H L1 L B340418 4 1/8 5,5 5,5 58,4 21,65 14 3 10 54,1 B340618 6 1/8 5,5 5,5 58,4 24,9 14 3 10 63,9 B340614 6 1/4 7,8 6,5 67,1 26,1 18 4 10 65,6 B340818 8 1/8 5,5 5,5 58,4 25,1 14 3 10 66,2 B340814 8 1/4 7,8 6,5 67,1 26,8 18 4 10 108 B341014 10 1/4 7,8 6,5 67,1 28,9 18 4 10 151,1
34 Pneumatic fittings Push-in fittings Brass push-in fittings Series RAP - RAP BLACK - OT Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice Straight male adaptor parallel 01OT ART. COD. ØD G ØC ØB H L 01OT04M5 4 M5 2,5 8 4 20,85 * 2,5 100 4,93 01OT04M6 4 M6 2,5 9 5 21,85 * 2,5 50 5,53 01OT0418 4 1/8 2,5 13,5 5,5 20 9 2,5 50 8,60 01OT0414 4 1/4 2,5 17 6,5 20 9 2,5 50 12,21 01OT06M5 6 M5 2,5 8 4 24,4 * 2,5 50 7,20 01OT06M6 6 M6 2,5 11 5 25,4 * 2,5 50 8,20 01OT0618 6 1/8 4,1 13,5 5,5 25,4 11 4 50 11,65 01OT0614 6 1/4 4,1 17 6,5 23,4 11 4 50 15,10 01OT0818 8 1/8 5,1 13 5,5 26,8 13 5 50 13,10 01OT0814 8 1/4 6,1 17 6,5 24 13 6 50 14,34 01OT0838 8 3/8 6,1 20 7,5 24 13 6 50 20,72 01OT0812 8 1/2 6,1 24 9 25 13 6 25 40,80 01OT1014 10 1/4 7,2 16 6,5 29,4 16 7 50 22,15 01OT1038 10 3/8 8,2 21 7,5 29,4 16 8 50 28,98 01OT1012 10 1/2 8,2 24 9 29,4 16 8 25 38,77 01OT1214 12 1/4 7,2 16 6,5 32,2 19 7 25 30,50 01OT1238 12 3/8 10,2 22 7,5 32,2 19 10 25 35,68 01OT1212 12 1/2 10,2 24 9 31,7 19 10 25 42,72 01OT1438 14 3/8 10,2 21 7,5 35 21 10 25 40,89 01OT1412 14 1/2 12,2 25 9 34,3 21 12 25 44,28 ØG H L ØD ØC ØB * codes without key flats having the following Ø: 01OT04M5 and 01OT04M6 = Ø9 01OT06M5 and 01OT06M6 = Ø11 COD. ØD G ØC ØB H L 02OT0418 4 1/8 3 12 7,5 26,5 9 50 11,92 02OT0414 4 1/4 3 17 11,5 29,5 9 50 20,20 02OT0618 6 1/8 5 12 7,5 29,1 11 50 12,50 02OT0614 6 1/4 5 17 11,5 31,9 11 50 18,29 02OT0818 8 1/8 7 12 7,5 28 13 50 12,09 02OT0814 8 1/4 7 17 11,5 33,3 13 50 20,94 Straight female adaptor 02OT ART. L G ØB ØC H ØD COD. ØD ØD1 ØB ØC L 03OT0400 4 4 3 11 32,7 50 8,07 03OT0600 6 6 5 13 37,3 50 12,46 03OT0800 8 8 7 13 38,6 50 16,02 03OT1000 10 10 9 18 43,3 50 25,80 03OT1200 12 12 11 21 46,4 25 41,50 03OT1400 14 14 13 21 50 25 46 Straight connector 03OT ART.
35 Pneumatic fittings Brass push-in fittings Series RAP - RAP BLACK - OT Push-in fittings Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice COD. ØD ØC ØB L 04OT0400 4 3 9 18,55 50 10,00 04OT0600 6 5 11 20,4 50 11,63 04OT0800 8 7 13 23,3 50 17,28 04OT1000 10 9 16 27,1 50 28,08 04OT1200 12 11 19 29,3 25 56,13 04OT1400 14 13 21 31,7 25 55,01 Elbow connector 04OT ART. ØC L L ØD ØB ØD Plug-in elbow connector 04OTL0 ART. COD. ØD1 ØD2 L1 L2 L3 04OT04L0 4 4 34,5 18,55 16,7 50 7,82 04OT06L0 6 6 39 20,4 19,5 50 9,00 04OT08L0 8 8 43 23,8 21 50 24,23 04OT10L0 10 10 51 27,1 24 25 26,00 04OT12L0 12 12 54 29.3 25 25 69,02 ØD2 L3 L1 ØD1 L2 T connector Plug-in reducer 05OT 08OT ART. ART. COD. ØD ØC ØB L 05OT0400 4 3 9 18.55 50 14,36 05OT0600 6 5 11 21.2 50 16,73 05OT0800 8 7 13 23.3 50 21,76 05OT1000 10 8 16 26.9 25 42,57 05OT1200 12 10 19 29.3 25 69,50 05OT1400 14 12 21 31.7 10 73,01 COD. ØD1 ØD2 ØB L 08OT0604 6 4 9 32,85 50 6,67 08OT0804 8 4 9 34 50 10,88 08OT0806 8 6 11 36,9 50 10,10 08OT1006 10 6 11 39,9 50 17,30 08OT1008 10 8 13 39,3 50 14,44 08OT1208 12 8 13 39,8 25 20,64 08OT1210 12 10 16 41,9 25 20,56 08OT1406 14 6 15 36,9 25 37,50 ØD1 L L L ØD ØB ØD L ØD2 ØB ØD1
36 Pneumatic fittings Push-in fittings Brass push-in fittings Series RAP - RAP BLACK - OT Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice Plug-in increaser 08OT/E ART. COD. ØD1 ØD2 ØB L 08OTE0406 4 6 11 40,4 50 8,97 08OTE0608 6 8 13 44 50 13,06 COD. ØD ØC M Imax L 10OT0400 4 3 11x1 14 32,7 14 50 18,19 10OT0600 6 5 14x1 14,5 37,3 17 50 28,87 10OT0800 8 7 16x1 15 38,6 18 50 33,60 10OT1000 10 9 18x1 16,5 43,3 21 25 54,16 10OT1200 12 11 22x1 18,6 46,4 26 25 79,55 10OT1400 14 13 24x1 21,7 50 27 25 89,85 Bulkhead connector 10OT ART. L ØD2 ØB ØD1 l max ØC L M ØD COD. ØD M H L1 L2 1 2 10LOT0400 4 M11x1 12,5 25,5 20 13 13 50 24,76 10LOT0600 6 M14x1 15 28 21 17 17 50 34,11 10LOT0800 8 M16x1 17 30,5 24 18 18 50 38,59 10LOT1000 10 M18x1 19 35 27 21 21 25 62,49 Elbow bulkhead 10LOT ART. COD. ØD G* ØA ØB H L 13OT04M5 4 M5 5 9 9 19,85 50 7,05 13OT0418 4 1/8 9,9 14 15 21,65 50 14,57 13OT0618 6 1/8 9,9 14 15 24,9 50 15,70 13OT0614 6 1/4 13,3 18 17 26,1 50 21,92 13OT0818 8 1/8 9,9 14 15 25,15 50 16,39 13OT0814 8 1/4 13,3 18 17 26,8 50 22,57 13OT0838 8 3/8 16,75 21 20 28,3 50 29,39 13OT1014 10 1/4 13,3 18 17 28,9 50 30,58 13OT1038 10 3/8 16,75 21 20 30,35 25 34,90 13OT1214 12 1/4 13,3 18 17 30,7 25 35,12 13OT1238 12 3/8 16,75 21 20 31,6 25 37,14 13OT1212 12 1/2 21 26 24 35,15 25 51,86 13OTR04M5 4 M5 6 9 10 19,85 50 5,65 13OTR06M5 6 M5 6 9 10 22,1 50 7,02 Single banjo body 13OT ART. L H ØD ØB ØA
37 Pneumatic fittings Brass push-in fittings Series RAP - RAP BLACK - OT Push-in fittings Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice COD. ØD G ØA H L1 L 15OT04M5 4 M5 2 4 16,8 19,85 2,5 50 9,61 15OT04M6 4 M6 2 5 17,8 19,85 2,5 50 9,74 15OT0418 4 1/8 5,5 5,5 24,5 21,65 3 50 24,12 15OT06M5 6 M5 2 4 16,8 22,4 2,5 50 10,82 15OT0618 6 1/8 5,5 5,5 24,5 24,9 3 50 24,84 15OT0614 6 1/4 7,8 6,5 27,8 26,1 4 50 40,32 15OT0818 8 1/8 5,5 5,5 24,5 25,15 3 50 25,96 15OT0814 8 1/4 7,8 6,5 27,8 26,8 4 50 41,19 15OT0838 8 3/8 10 7,5 32,5 28,3 5 25 61,83 15OT1014 10 1/4 7,8 6,5 27,8 28,9 4 25 49,51 15OT1038 10 3/8 10 7,5 32,5 30,35 5 25 68,41 15OT1214 12 1/4 7,8 6,5 27,8 30,85 4 25 51,38 15OT1238 12 3/8 10 7,5 32,5 31,6 5 25 69,72 15OT1212 12 1/2 12 9 38,8 35,15 8 10 114,78 Complete single banjo (rotating under pressure) 15OT ART. H L L1 ØD G ØA Elbow male adaptor 19OT ART. COD. ØD G ØB E L 19OT0418 4 1/8 9 19,35 16,5 10 100 12,83 19OT0618 6 1/8 11 24,4 16,5 10 100 14,84 19OT0614 6 1/4 11 25,4 22 11 100 20,81 19OT0818 8 1/8 13 25,3 18,5 11 100 18,26 19OT0814 8 1/4 13 25,3 22,0 11 100 20,94 19OT1014 10 1/4 16 26,9 23,5 13 50 30,26 E G L ØD ØB Swivel elbow male adaptor (parallel) 22OT COD. ØD A H ØB L1 L2 22OT04M5 4 M5 4 9,1 18,55 14,8 9 100 10,10 22OT04M12 4 M12x1,5 6,5 9,1 20,35 22,4 13 100 11,55 22OT0418 4 1/8 5,5 9,1 20,35 19,9 13 100 19,00 22OT0414 4 1/4 6,5 9,1 20,35 22,7 13 100 22,80 22OT0438 4 3/8 7,5 9,1 20,35 24,9 13 100 27,60 22OT06M5 6 M5 4 11 22,4 15 9 100 12,12 22OT06M12 6 M12x1,5 6,5 11 23,9 22,2 13 100 14,11 22OT0618 6 1/8 5,5 11 23,9 19,7 13 100 21,02 22OT0614 6 1/4 6,5 11 23,9 22,7 13 100 24,11 22OT0638 6 3/8 7,5 11 23,9 24,7 13 100 29,49 22OT08M12 8 M12x1,5 6,5 13 24,3 22,2 13 100 24,55 22OT0818 8 1/8 5,5 13 23,95 19,7 13 100 20,57 22OT0814 8 1/4 6,5 13 24,3 22,7 13 50 23,67 22OT0838 8 3/8 7,5 13 24,3 24,7 13 50 30,23 22OT1014 10 1/4 6,5 16 28,4 22,6 16 50 37,68 22OT1038 10 3/8 7,5 16 28,4 26,6 16 50 43,70 22OT1012 10 1/2 9 16 28,4 28,1 16 50 48,40 22OT1214 12 1/4 6,5 19 31,4 29,2 16 25 64,75 22OT1238 12 3/8 7,5 19 31,4 27,2 20 25 63,21 22OT1212 12 1/2 9 19 31,4 31,7 20 25 73,27 22OT1438 14 3/8 7,5 21 32,0 28,5 20 25 62,54 22OT1412 14 1/2 9 21 32,0 33,5 20 25 75,98 L1 L2 H ØD ØB ØA
38 Pneumatic fittings Push-in fittings Brass push-in fittings Series RAP - RAP BLACK - OT Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice Plug-in elbow connector 22LOT COD. ØD G ØB H L1 L2 22LOT0418 4 G1/8 13 5,5 33,2 20,35 13 25 30,34 22LOT0414 4 G1/4 16 6,5 38,2 20,35 13 25 33,72 22LOT0618 6 G1/8 13 5,5 33 23,9 13 25 32,04 22LOT0614 6 G1/4 16 6,5 38 23,9 13 25 35,72 22LOT0818 8 G1/8 13 5,5 33 24 13 25 31,97 22LOT0814 8 G1/4 16 6,5 38 24,3 13 25 35,46 22LOT1014 10 G1/4 16 6,5 40,5 28,4 16 25 57,49 COD. ØD1 ØD2 L1 L2 L3 22OT04L0 4 4 25,2 20,35 16,2 50 22,12 22OT06L0 6 6 28,5 23,9 19,5 50 28,25 22OT08L0 8 8 30 24,3 21 50 29,15 22OT10L0 10 10 35 28,4 24 25 27,07 22OT12L0 12 12 38,5 31,4 25 25 32,45 Plug-in elbow connector 22OTL0 ART. COD. ØD G ØA H L1 L 33OT0418 4 1/8 5,5 5,5 43,3 21,65 14 3 25 46,81 33OT0618 6 1/8 5,5 5,5 43,3 24,9 14 3 25 48,46 33OT0614 6 1/4 7,8 6,5 50 26,1 18 4 25 78,57 33OT0818 8 1/8 5,5 5,5 43,3 25,1 14 3 25 52,14 33OT0814 8 1/4 7,8 6,5 50 26,8 18 4 25 80,02 33OT1014 10 1/4 7,8 6,5 50 28,9 18 4 25 97,00 Swivel double banjo stem 33OT ART. Swivel triple banjo stem 34OT ART. ØD ØA G H L1 L ØD ØA G H L1 L COD. ØD G ØA H L1 L 34OT0418 4 1/8 5,5 5,5 58,4 21,65 14 3 10 44,10 34OT0618 6 1/8 5,5 5,5 58,4 24,9 14 3 10 66,93 34OT0614 6 1/4 7,8 6,5 67,1 26,1 18 4 10 107,87 34OT0818 8 1/8 5,5 5,5 58,4 25,1 14 3 10 110,86 34OT0814 8 1/4 7,8 6,5 67,1 26,8 18 4 10 115,56 34OT1014 10 1/4 7,8 6,5 67,1 28,9 18 4 10 127,50
39 Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice Pneumatic fittings Push-in fittings Brass push-in fittings Components 1 Fitting body 2 Elastic ring 3 Swivel stem 4 O-ring seal 5 Thrust and crimping sleeve Series MINI 4 3 2 1 5 The brass push-in fittings - Mini series combines light weight with maximum strength. It can be used with PA, TPU, Ny and PE hoses; the design of the O-ring seat ensures a seal even with polished and particularly slick surfaces.
40 Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice Pneumatic fittings Push-in fittings Brass push-in fittings Series MINI FLUIDS Compressed air, some liquids (for different fluid please contact our Technical Dept.) APPLICATIONS BSP paralell UNI-ISO 228; BSP tapered UNI-ISO 7; Metric ISO/R 262 SUGGESTED TUBES TPU (Polyurethane), PA11/PA12 (Polyamide), TPE (Polyethilene), TPA (Polyurethane/Copolyester) TUBE TOLERANCES Diam. from 4 to 10 mm +/- 0,05 - Diam. from 12 mm +/- 0,1 THREAD TYPE Cylindrical with O-ring. RECOMMENDED LIMIT VALUE Maximum torque Thread M3 = 0,4 Nm; Thread M6 and M6x0,75 = 1,3 Nm Temperature The working temperatures range is between -20°C and +70°C Pressure The maximum working pressure is 10 Bar. MATERIALS Body Nichel-plated Grip Brass Seals Silicon free NBR IMPORTANT NOTE The raw material is non-magnetic, however after cold working, a small amount of austenite could be transformed into martensite, which could be very weakly magnetic. Technical sheet
41 Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice Pneumatic fittings Push-in fittings Brass push-in fittings Series MINI Straight male adaptor parallel Complete single banjo with stem Quick exhaust straight male parallel adapter RDR RGR RDSR ART. ART. ART. COD. D G C H L RDR320 2,0 M3 5,4 3 13,5 1,5 100 1,50 RDR330 3,0 M3 5,8 3 14,5 1,5 100 2,00 RDR331 3,17 M3 5,8 3 14,0 1,5 100 1,50 RDR340 4,0 M3 7,0 3 15,5 1,5 100 2,50 RDR340-MH05 4,0 M3 6,9 5 17,5 1,5 100 2,50 RDR520 2,0 M5 5,4 3,5 13,0 1,5 100 1,50 RDR530 3,0 M5 5,8 3,5 14,5 2,0 100 1,50 RDR531 3,17 M5 5,8 3,5 14,5 2,0 100 1,50 RDR540 4,0 M5 5,8 3,5 16,5 2,0 100 2,00 RDR640-FH12 4,0 M6 7 12 24,5 2,0 100 3,00 RDR640-MH12 4,0 M6 7 12 24,5 2,0 100 3,50 COD. D G C H L L1 RGR320 2 M3 1,4 3,0 13,5 13,5 1,5 100 3,63 RGR330 3 M3 1,4 3,0 13,5 13,5 1,5 100 3,52 RGR331 3,17 M3 1,4 3,0 13,5 13,5 1,5 100 3,34 RGR340 4,2 M3 1,4 3,0 13,5 13,5 1,5 100 3,68 RGR340-MH05 4,2 M3 1,4 5,0 13,5 13,5 1,5 100 3,80 RGR520 2 M5 2,0 3,5 14 14 2,0 100 3,64 RGR530 3 M5 2,0 3,5 14 14 2,0 100 3,62 RGR531 3,2 M5 2,0 3,5 13,5 13,5 2,0 100 3,54 RGR540 4,2 M5 2,0 3,5 13,5 13,5 2,0 100 3,82 RGR640-FH12 4,2 M6 2,0 12 13,5 13,5 2,0 100 6,01 RGR640-MH12 4,0 M6 2,0 12 13,5 13,5 2,0 100 5,94 COD. L ØC ØD G H RDSR520 18,5 6,8 2,0 M5 3,5 7 100 2,00 RDSR530 18,5 6,8 3,0 M5 3,5 7 100 3,00 RDSR531 18,3 6,8 3,0 M5 3,5 7 100 3,00 RDSR540 19,5 7,8 4,2 M5 3,5 8 100 4,00 G H L ØD ØC ØD G ØA H L1 L G H L ØC ØD