98 Pneumatic fittings Standard fittings Brass standard fittings Series 100 Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice Sleeve 103 ART. COD. A B 103M5 M5 11 8 100 2,00 10318 G1/8 15 14 100 10,95 10314 G1/4 22 17 100 18,97 10338 G3/8 23 22 50 33,96 10312 G1/2 30 26 25 49,35 10334 G3/4 32 32 10 76,00 Taper M/F reducer 104 ART. COD. A B C D 1041418 G1/4 G1/8 11,0 16,0 14 100 9,99 1043818 G3/8 G1/8 11,5 16,5 17 100 20,90 1041218 G1/2 G1/8 14,0 19,5 22 50 44,22 1043814 G3/8 G1/4 11,5 16,5 17 100 13,06 1041214 G1/2 G1/4 14,0 19,5 22 50 30,54 1041238 G1/2 G3/8 14,0 19,5 22 50 28,43 1043412 G3/4 G1/2 16,5 23,0 27 25 42,38 1043438 G3/4 G3/8 16,5 23,0 27 10 55,86 1040112 G1' G1/2 17,0 25,0 34 10 126,52 1040134 G1' G3/4 17,0 25,0 34 10 73,07 Parallel M/F reducer 104Z ART. COD. A B C D 104Z18M5 G1/8 M5 6,0 10,5 14 100 8,00 104Z1418 G1/4 G1/8 8,0 13,0 17 100 10,74 104Z3818 G3/8 G1/8 9,0 14,0 19 100 19,13 104Z3814 G3/8 G1/4 9,0 14,0 19 100 13,00 104Z1218 G1/2 G1/8 10,0 15,5 24 50 39,06 104Z1214 G1/2 G1/4 10,0 15,5 24 50 32,42 104Z1238 G1/2 G3/8 10,0 15,5 24 50 21,48 104Z3412 G3/4 G1/2 12,5 18,0 30 25 41,24 104Z3438 G3/4 G3/8 12,5 18,0 30 10 53,72 Disapperance parallel reducer 104S ART. COD. ØF ØF1 H H1 104S1418 1/4 1/8 8 7 6 50 4,16 104S3814 3/8 1/4 9 7 8 50 13,06 104S1238 1/2 3/8 10 9 10 25 65,00 104S3412 3/4 1/2 14 11 12 10 41,38 104S0134 1" 3/4 20 12,5 17 10 73,07 H ØF1 ØF H1 D A C B D A C B A B