Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice 125 Pneumatic fittings Flow regulators Brass flow regulator Series RAP - RAP BLACK - OT N° Needle turns Flow (ltr/min) T290618 T290618P T290614 T290614P T290838 T290838P T291012P 0,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,5 5 5 38 2 40 21 30 1,0 10 10 48 23 92 40 63 1,5 20 16 55 41 139 59 94 2,0 23 22 65 50 185 78 123 2,5 27 25 72 58 230 96 156 3,0 30 28 80 64 272 115 186 3,5 34 33 88 73 318 135 220 4,0 37 43 100 81 361 153 251 4,5 40 55 121 97 405 171 282 5,0 44 68 145 118 447 190 312 5,5 52 80 170 142 489 207 343 6,0 64 93 196 169 530 224 375 6,5 75 105 220 193 580 240 404 7,0 88 118 241 217 664 251 437 7,5 101 127 260 238 811 276 466 8,0 113 172 277 255 963 392 480 8,5 126 240 294 273 1075 530 485 9,0 136 283 325 300 1154 635 543 9,5 158 300 355 334 1200 700 635 10,0 191 383 364 1228 750 845 10,5 195 408 379 1235 778 1083 11,0 421 400 802 1288 11,5 427 407 814 1454 12,0 432 414 824 1588 12,5 434 417 833 1685 13,0 436 418 835 1754 13,5 1795 14,0 1820 14,5 15,0 Tests results 1 2 3 Components 1 Swivel banjo - “13” “13 R/*” 2 Adjusting stem with knob 28A (for valve) 29A (for cylinder) 30A (bidirectional) 3 Adjusting stem with screwdriver cut 28A (for valve) 29A (for cylinder) 30A (bidirectional) (*) For M5 stem Additional technical informations Flow tests Test carried out at the Pneumax laboratory on a flow regulators sample under the following conditions: Fluid Filtered air Temperature 20°C Pression 6 bar