195 Pneumatic fittings Silencers and flow nozzles Flow nozzles Series U Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice Technical sheet General test conditions: Fluid: Filtered air - Temperature: 20 ° C - Pressure: 1 ... 10 bar Pressure (bar) Flow rate (l/min) 1 228 2 360 3 490 4 620 5 740 6 870 7 1000 8 1130 9 1220 10 1340 PAGINA TECNICO SALA PROVE a R. data 12/05/2011 Firma Claudio D. N. 1 di 1 La coppia di strappo del filetto G1/4” è di 8 Nm UGELLO SOFFIETTO 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 0123456789101112 PRESSURE ( BAR ) FLOW RATE ( LITRI / MIN ) Circular multi-channel nozzle ABS 83892600 ART. Circular multi-channel nozzle AL 923702 ART. Circular multi-channel nozzle POM. This model combines the undisputed advantages of the flat jet nozzle with a broader range of application and is ideal for stationary tasks. Note: the blowing force was measured 50 mm in front of the nozzle. The sound levels were measured in compliance with DIN 45635. When installing the multi-channel nozzles, the full thread length should be used. Dimensions: 55 x 23 x 10 (length x ext. diam. x thread length) Tube connection: R1/4” (external thread on air inlet) Characteristics: Impact-resistant down to –40°C Dimensional stability up to +90°C Resistant to fuels, mineral oils, lubrificants and commonly used solvents. Cod. 838.926 Circular multi-channel nozzle in alluminum. Recommended for particularly harsh operating conditions, such as high temperatures (foundries, etc.) Principle application: blow guns. Note: the blowing force was measured 50 mm in front of the nozzle. The sound levels were measured in compliance with DIN 45635. Dimensions: 31,5 x 18,5 x 8 (length x ext. diam. x thread length) Tube connection: R1/4” (external thread on air inlet) Cod.923.702 55.5 10 G 1/4 23.8 8 Air inlet Ø 19 31.5 8 18.5 19 10.5 9 Air inlet Ø G 1/4