198 Pneumatic fittings Tubes and accessories Plastic hoses Series AC Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice Plastic hoses Series AC Technical sheet FLUIDS Liquids and gases, compressed air (for information contact our Technical Dept.) APPLICATIONS Pneumatic circuits, low pressure hydraulic applications, according to DIN 3861-3870 norms. CONNECTING FITTINGS Normally not applied directly to pipes, however present in installations and defined according to application. TEMPERATURE AND PRESSURE Temperatures and pressures usually depend by the features of the employed tubes and are detailed on the next pages MATERIALS Polyuerathane TPU Polyamide PA12 Polyuerathane / Copolyester TPA The polyurethane, polyammide and copolyester tubes are produced in Italy according to the reference ISO norms as warranty of high quality level and answer to the followings technical specifications and applications.