207 Pneumatic fittings Appendix Fittings instructions Appendix Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice Fittings instructions Before the insertion • The type of employed pipe must be declared as suitable by the manufacturer to be used with push-in fittings • The cutting of the pipe must be at a right angle using a dedicated tube cutter (See our blueline catalogue) • Do not cut the hose with scissors, pincers or other tools may cause non-linear surface to the end of the tube Correct insertion of the tube in the fitting During the insertion • Turn the tube slightly so to make it easier to get in, make sure the pipe reach the inside stop. Hose extraction • To extract the tube, or realising it, press the sleeve until it stops and keeping it pressed remove the tube from the fitting (the operation can be done easier using an appropriate fork). • Make sure that the inserted tube is not under traction and that the sleeve does not run the risk of accidental contacts which may cause unintentional extraction or releasing. Tube before insertion Inserted tube Tube cut at 90° with plastic tube cutte Fitting with inserted tube, in tension Correct tube cut with metal tube cutter Fitting with tube inserted, having a tight bending radius For maximum product performance, installation instructions must be properly followed and chemical compatibility charts for materials must be adhered to. Appendix • Fittings instructions • Tightening torque • Chemical compatibility chart