2 Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice Pneumatic fittings Catalogue 29 +90 10 Europe World Italiy Titan Engineering Expertise and Reliability since 1993 a Pneumax Group Company TECHNOLOGY QUA L I T Y COMPETENCE Titan Engineering S.p.A. is a company of the Pneumax Group, founded in 1993 with the goal of becoming the production site and warehouse for fittings and accessories for compressed air for the worldwide Pneumax distribution network, following the development strategies pursued by the Group over the years. The constant growth of the company during the years is due to the capability of modeling itself on the needs of customers: this allows to make targeted investments in production activities, in co-operation agreements with the best Italian and foreign partners, enhancing the quality and flexibility of the service. The main result of this strategy is the creation of the “Green Line Catalog“, a tool for specialists of fittings for compressed air, among the most comprehensive available on the market. Group companies Production plants Distributors worldwide