84 Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice Pneumatic fittings Push-in fittings Food contact push-in fittings Series FCM TEST CONDITION Pressure Constant 8 bar Circuit Closed Temperature Environment 22°C-30°C Duration 2400 h continuously Type of fluid Drinking water Wine Beer Sparkling soft drink TEST RESULTS Liquid leakage NO NO NO NO Presure loss NO NO NO NO Outcome TYPE OF TEST PERFORMED COMPONENTS TEST RESULT Global migration, specific migration of dyes, specific migration of metals. Simulants: A, B, D2 +primary aromatic mmine migration test simulant B. Thrus sleeve Fitting body (POM) Fitting body and swivel base (Ixef1022 FC) Global migration + Citric acid simulant Fitting body and swivel base (CW510L-OT57) Specific migration test Cr, Ni, Mn simulant B Crimping Gripper Global migration test simulant rubber A +specific migration test simulant B O-ring seal Migration test The global and specific migration tests shown in the table are used to determine the quantities migrated and the subsequent control of re-entry within the limits imposed by the regulations, are carried out to check the migration phenomena of materials in contact with food. The specific migration limits are respected in the conditions of use mentioned above. A: Ethanol....................................10% B: Acetic acid..............................3% C: Ethanol....................................20% D1: Ethanol....................................50% D2: Vegetable oil E: Poly (2,6-diphenyl-p-phenylene oxide)