Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice 1 Air distribution Spool type valves and solenoid valves 1 | 85 Series 888 - Accessories ►Manifold (Valves 3/2) Coding: 8883.N N NO. POSITIONS 02 = 2 positions 03 = 3 positions 04 = 4 positions 05 = 5 positions 06 = 6 positions 07 = 7 positions 08 = 8 positions 09 = 9 positions 10 = 10 positions 12 = 12 positions 16 = 16 positions 6 24 45 Ø4,5 6 23 23 69 (02 POSITIONS) 92 (03 POSITIONS) 115 (04 POSITIONS) 138 (05 POSITIONS) 161 (06 POSITIONS) 184 (07 POSITIONS) 207 (08 POSITIONS) 230 (09 POSITIONS) 253 (10 POSITIONS) G1/4” 299 (12 POSITIONS) 391 (16 POSITIONS) No. positions Weight (g) 02 270 03 335 04 400 05 465 06 530 07 595 08 660 09 725 10 790 12 920 16 1180 ►Closing plate (Valves 3/2) Coding: 8883.00 Weight 10 g Closing plate supplied complete with 2 fixing screws to the manifold 42 23 5 30 17 Ø3.3