Air treatment Section 02 Air quality 2.1 Series AIRPLUS 2.2 Air service units Wide range of components for compressed air treatment, available in aluminium, technopolymer and steel, in several sizes with connections from 1/8” to 1” and flow rates up to 8000 Nl/min. Series 1700 2.85 Series 1700 Steel line 2.159 Pressure switches Series DS 2.215. Series 1700 standard 2.176 Series 1700 2.219 Digital pressure switches and pressure gauges, panel mounting or manifold versions. The proportional pressure regulators range includes 3 product series: 1700 standard, 1700 miniaturised and WPR (Wide Pressure Regulators). 3 sizes aluminium pressure boosters available or technopolymer with 2:1 compression ratio. Measuring devices Proportional technology Pressure booster Pressure gauges Series DS 2.217 Series 1700 miniaturised 2.192 Series WPR 2.208 Series P+ 2.224 Series 1303-1308 3.30 Cylinders manufactured according to standards CNOMO, CETOP and ISO: standard versions, through rod versions, tandem push with common rod, tandem push with independent rods or opposed tandem with common rod CNOMO-CETOP-ISO cylinders Pneumatic actuation Section 03 ISO 6432 Microbore cylinders Cylinders with piston rod according to standard Versions available: with threaded end covers, rolled end covers, aluminium, stainless steel and technopolymer versions Series 1200 3.1 Threaded end covers cylinders Series 1200 Tecno-MIR 3.4 Series 1200 3.10 Rolled end covers MIR Series 1200 3.13 Rolled end covers MIR-INOX Series 1319-1320-1321 3.41 Series 1348-1349-1350 3.44 Non rotating cylinders Cylinders according to standard ISO 15552 Cylinders according to ISO 15552 with bores from Ø32 to Ø200 mm and strokes up to 1250 mm. Available versions: ECOPLUS with aluminium or technopolymer end plates, ECOLIGHT optmized in weight and dimensions, Steel line completely in stainless steel, round tube versions tie rod (Ø250-Ø320 mm) Series 1450 - 1463 -Ø50 - Ø63 3.86 ISO 15552 Hydro-pneumatic speed control cylinders with internal hydraulic circuit for movement control Hydro-pneumatic speed control cylinders according to standard ISO 15552 Series Ecoplus - HP 3.47 1386-87-88 and 1396-97-98 Series Ecolight 3.51 1390-1391-1392 Series Ecolight 3.58 with protective bellows Series 1315 3.73 Round tube cylinders Series Steel line - AISI 316 3.77 Series 1200, Steel line 3.18 IV Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice Solutions for pneumatic automation General catalogue