Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice ISO 6432 Microbore cylinders Series 1200, Steel line Pneumatic actuation 3 3 | 20 ►Cylinder type "A" from Ø16 to Ø25 KK AB KY KX EW H1 L10 + stroke H2 L MR DCØ L11 L12 WH AM XC + stroke MMØ SW α EE EE DØ S max L15 + stroke from Ø32 to Ø63 EW AB AM WH XC + stroke L L11 L12 L15 + stroke DCØ MR KK MMØ α SW DØ S max H2 L10 + stroke H1 KY KX EE EE ►Cylinder type "B" from Ø16 to Ø25 MMØ α L11 L16 + stroke L20 EB AB S max AM WH L17 + stroke KK SW L13 DØ KY KX H1 L10 + stroke KV KW EE EE H3 from Ø32 to Ø63 EB AM WH L17 + stroke L11 L20 L16 + stroke AB S max α KK L13 MMØ SW DØ KY KX H1 L10 + stroke KW EE EE 1KØ H3