Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice 3 | 32 Cylinders CNOMO-CETOP-ISO Series 1303 - 1304 - 1305 - 1306 - 1307 - 1308 Pneumatic actuation 3 * * * * E E L+stroke L+stroke 1 * * * * E L+stroke L+stroke 1 Ordering code 1303.Ø.stroke.stroke1.R (CNOMO) 1304.Ø.stroke.stroke1.R (CETOP) 1305.Ø.stroke.stroke1.R (ISO) Non magnetic piston 1306.Ø.stroke.stroke1.R (CNOMO) 1307.Ø.stroke.stroke1.R (CETOP) 1308.Ø.stroke.stroke1.R (ISO) Magnetic piston Ordering code 1303.Ø.stroke.stroke1.U (CNOMO) 1304.Ø.stroke.stroke1.U (CETOP) 1305.Ø.stroke.stroke1.U (ISO) Non magnetic piston 1306.Ø.stroke.stroke1.U (CNOMO) 1307.Ø.stroke.stroke1.U (CETOP) 1308.Ø.stroke.stroke1.U (ISO) Magnetic piston ►Opposed tandem with common rods ►Tandem with opposed rods Table of dimensions * 32 580 24 stroke 0 every 10 mm FOR CYLINDERS IN TANDEM THE WEIGHT IS APPROXIMATELY DOUBLE WEIGHT IN g OF THE CYLINDERS WITH VARIOUS BARRELS (BASIC VERSION) Bore Aluminium Bore A (f7) B - CNOMO (6g) B - CETOP (6g) B - ISO (6g) C (d11) H D E - CNOMO E - CETOP E - ISO F - CNOMO F - CETOP F - ISO G M N O P T - CNOMO T - CETOP-ISO L - CNOMO (±1) L - CETOP-ISO (±1) STROKE TOLERANCE: + 2 mm. Variants Add "X" to the cylinder code to order cylinders with STAINLESS STEEL rods. Example:1303.32.250.01AX. Add "V" to the cylinder code to order cylinders with FPM seals. Example:1303.32.250.01AV. Add "MA" to the cylinder code to order cylinders single acting front spring, with strokes not superior to 50. Example:1303.32.50.01AMA. Add "MP" to the cylinder code to order cylinders single acting rear spring, with strokes not superior to 50. Example:1303.50.25.01AMP. Note: Cushion adjustment (for Ø 32, Ø 40, Ø 125, Ø 160 and Ø 200) is on the side indicated by (see drawings). 32 12 M10x1,5 M10x1,25 M10x1,25 25 2,5 M6 45 44 46 20 20 22 15 45 33 G 1/8" 16 25 24 80 98 40 18 M16x1,5 M12x1,25 M12x1,25 32 2 M6 70 52 52 36 24 24 15 52 40 G 1/4" 23 34 28 110 110 50 18 M16x1,5 M16x1,5 M16x1,5 32 2 M8 70 67 67 36 32 32 15 65 49 G 1/4" 25 34 35 110 110 63 22 M20x1,5 M16x1,5 M16x1,5 45 2 M8 85 67 67 46 32 32 20 75 59 G 3/8" 31 39 35 125 125 80 22 M20x1,5 M20x1,5 M20x1,5 45 2 M10 85 82 82 46 40 40 20 95 75 G 3/8" 31 39 42 125 136 100 30 M27x2 M20x1,5 M20x1,5 55 2 M10 110 87 87 63 40 40 20 115 90 G 1/2" 35 47 47 145 145 125 30 M27x2 M24x2 M27x2 55 3 M12 110 109 115 63 48 54 20 140 110 G 1/2" 36 47 61 145 168 160 40 M36x2 M36x2 M36x2 65 3 M16 135 152 152 85 72 72 25 180 140 G 3/4" 45 50 80 180 180 200 40 M36x2 M36x2 M36x2 65 3 M16 135 162 162 85 72 72 25 220 175 G 3/4" 45 50 90 180 190 40 1010 38 50 1350 47 63 2110 63 80 3350 75 100 5400 117 125 7450 130 160 13300 235 200 18300 250