Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice 3 | 35 Cylinders CNOMO-CETOP-ISO Series 1303 - 1304 - 1305 - 1306 - 1307 - 1308 - Fixing device 3 Pneumatic actuation Ordering code I H D A E F G C O N M H L5+stroke L7+stroke L9+stroke L6+stroke Elements used to anchor the cylinder parallel to the mounting plane. They are made of aluminium alloy and painted black. Bore A (H11) C (JS 14) D (JS 15) E F G (H14) H I M N (±0,2) O L5 - CNOMO L5 - CETOP - ISO L6 - CNOMO L6 - CETOP - ISO L7 - CNOMO L7 - CETOP - ISO L9 - CNOMO L9 - CETOP - ISO Weight g 32 25 65 32 22 45 9 8 7 35 18 82 60 78 123 141 116 134 95 112 80 40 32 72 36 26 52 9 8 7 35 18 90 90 90 162 162 146 146 134 128 90 50 32 90 45 32 65 11 10 9 45 22 110 86 86 166 166 154 154 132 133 190 63 45 100 50 37 75 11 10 9 45 22 120 101 101 186 186 169 169 152 148 210 80 45 126 63 47 95 14 12 11 55 28 155 93 104 192 203 181 192 148 162 460 100 55 148 73 57 115 14 12 11 55 28 180 113 113 220 220 201 201 176 176 600 125 55 180 91 70 140 18 16 13 67 32 215 113 136 224 247 209 232 176 213 1080 160 65 230 115 90 180 22 20 17 80 40 275 140 140 270 270 260 260 210 240 2400 200 65 270 135 110 220 22 20 17 80 40 315 140 150 270 280 260 270 210 250 3100 Ordering code 1303.Ø.05/1F (CNOMO - CETOP - ISO) (1 piece) L3+stroke L4+stroke Elements used to anchor the cylinder parallel to the mounting plane. They are made of stamped and pierced sheet metal and painted in black. The mounting holes allow use with CNOMO, CETOP and ISO. Available up to 100 mm bore I R N P E H D G O A F C M Bore A C - CETOP - ISO (JS 14) D - CETOP - ISO (JS 15) E F G H I M - CNOMO (JS 14) N - CNOMO (JS 15) O - CNOMO (JS 15) O - CETOP - ISO (JS 15) P - CETOP - ISO (±0,2) R - CNOMO (±0,2) L3 - CNOMO L3 - CETOP - ISO L4 - CNOMO L4 - CETOP - ISO Weight g 32 13 32 7 35 45 30 3,5 7 28 9 32 32 22 27 132 144 134 142 58 40 17 36 9 36 52 30 3,5 7 36 9 36 36 25,5 27 171 163 164 161 70 50 17 45 9 45 65 36 3,5 9 45 11 45 45 30 35 179 175 180 170 118 63 23,5 50 9 45 75 35 4,5 9 55 11 50 50 30 35 199 190 195 185 184 80 23,5 63 12 55 95 45 5 11 70 13 63 63 37 43 207 215 211 210 305 100 - 75 14 56 115 44 5 11 90 13 73 71 37,5 43 235 230 231 220 385 ►Short sheet metal feet ►Large internal and external feet Internal 1303.Ø.06F (CNOMO) (1 piece) (May be used with CETOP-ISO cylinders but are not specified in the standards) External 1303.Ø.07F (CNOMO) (1 piece)