Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice Cylinders according to standard ISO 15552 3 | 57 Series 1300 - Fixing device 3 Pneumatic actuation S5 L2 R TG E FB TG TF UF MF ZF+stroke Plate which allows anchorage of the cylinder at a right angle to the plane. It is made of zincplated extruded steel. W XA+stroke SA+stroke H AU C AH H TG AB TG E TR Elements used to anchor the cylinder parallel to the mounting plane. They are made of cast aluminium, painted black. 1320.Ø.05F (1 piece) Aluminium: 1380.Ø.03F (Ø32 ... Ø200) 1390.Ø.03F (Ø32 ... Ø100) 1390.Ø.03FP (Ø32 ... Ø100) Steel Aluminium Die-casting aluminium : : : ►Front and rear flanges (MF1 - Mf2) ►Standard mounting foot brackets Ordering code : : : Ordering code Front assembling Rear assembling Bore 32 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 Weight(g) steel 45 52 65 75 95 115 140 180 220 7 9 9 9 12 14 16 18 22 10 10 12 12 16 16 20 20 25 32 36 45 50 63 75 90 115 135 64 72 90 100 126 150 180 230 270 32,5 38 46,5 56,5 72 89 110 140 175 80 90 110 120 150 170 205 260 300 130 145 155 170 190 205 245 280 300 16 20 25 25 30 35 45 60 70 5 5 6,5 6,5 8 8 10,5 9,5 12,5 6,6 6,6 9 9 11 11 14 18 18 Weight(g) aluminium 65 90 170 220 500 690 / / / 190 250 480 620 1430 1990 3750 6350 11350 Weight(g) Die-casting aluminium 60 69 130 170 345 485 / / / S5 L2 ZF W UF TG TF (JS 14) R (JS 14) MF (JS 14) FB (H 13) E Bore AB (H 14) AH (JS 15) AU (±0,2) C E H SA TG TR (JS 14) XA Weight gr. 32 7 32 24 35 45 8 142 32,5 32 144 45 40 9 36 28 35 52 8 161 38 36 163 65 50 9 45 32 45 65 10 170 46,5 45 175 140 63 9 50 32 45 75 10 185 56,5 50 190 175 80 12 63 41 55 95 12 210 72 63 215 380 100 14 71 41 56 115 12 220 89 75 230 470 125 16 91 45 68 140 16 250 110 90 270 920 160 18 115 60 82 180 20 300 140 115 320 2300 200 22 135 70 90 220 20 320 175 135 345 3200