Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice 3 | 75 Cylinders according to standard ISO 15552 Series AISI 316 stainless steel - Fixing device 3 Pneumatic actuation Elements used to anchor the cylinder parallel to the mounting plane. They are made of stainless steel AISI 316. 32 7 32 24 11 45 4 142 32,5 32 144 60 40 9 36 28 8 52 4 161 38 36 163 70 50 9 45 32 15 65 5 170 46,5 45 175 160 63 9 50 32 13 75 5 185 56,5 50 190 180 80 12 63 41 14 95 6 210 72 63 215 370 100 14 71 41 16 115 6 220 89 75 230 430 Bore ØAB (H 14) AH AU (± 0.2) AO E AT SA TG TR (JS 14) XA Weight g SA + stroke XA + stroke AH ØAB AT AT TG TR E AO AU This type of mounting allows anchorage of the cylinder either parallel or right angle to plane; the cylinder rod can oscillate and self-align as necessary when under load. Made of stainless steel AISI 316. 32 26 10 45 30 5 5,5 10 12 10 32,5 45 142 5,5 6,6 140 40 28 12 55 35 5 5,5 10 15 12 38 52 160 5,5 6,6 230 50 32 12 65 40 5 7,5 10 17 12 46,5 60 170 6,5 9 370 63 40 16 75 45 5 7,5 12 20 16 56,5 70 190 6,5 9 540 80 50 16 95 45 / 9 14 22 16 72 90 210 10 11 1000 100 60 20 115 55 / 9 16 25 20 89 110 230 10 11 1700 Bore CB (H 14) ØCD E ØS (H11) N R (H13) H L MR TG UB (h14) XD L2 (±0,5) S5 (H13) Weight g XD + stroke MR L H L2 N TG E E TG ØS5 ØS CB UB ØCD R Short mounting foot brackets (MS1) Rear clevis (MP2) 1393.Ø.05/1F 1393.Ø.09F Ordering code ► ► Ordering code