I Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice ELECTRIC ACTUATION This catalogue includes the products range manufactured by Pneumax Industrial Automation Business Unit: air service units and pneumatic components for air distribution and motion control. General catalogue Solutions for pneumatic automation Visit PNEUMATIC FITTINGS VACUUM TECHNOLOGY Discover more on catalogues which include the product range offered by the other Pneumax Business Units: AUTOMOTIVE and PROCESS AUTOMATION Find out the documentation that complete the Industrial Automation offer ELECTRICAL ACTUATION INTEGRATED MECHATRONIC COMPONENTS AND SYSTEMS D.DPL.057-EN-REV.A-07/24 GREEN LINE PNEUMATIC FITTINGS CATALOGUE CATALOGUE VACUUM TECHNOLOGY VACUUM TECHNOLOGY

Air distribution About Pneumax. 12 Introduction General index Solutions for pneumatic automation Section 01 Valves and solenoid valves Series 104 1.1 Series 105 1.12 Series 200 1.21 Series T200 1.54 Spool type valves and solenoid valves Series 800 1.68 Series 888 1.77 Series 400 1.91 Series T400 1.110 Series 2100 Line-Flat-Base 1.124 Series 2400 Line-Flat-VDMA 1.139 Series 2600 Line-Flat-VDMA 1.160 Single and manifold versions, mechanical and manual or pneumatic command Series 300 1.175 Solenoid coils 1.189 Series M (mechanical) 1.193 Direct operated solenoid valves Series CNOMO 1.197 Series S 1.200 300-UL solenoid coils 1.202 Pilot valves, high flow rate performance 2/2 ways and 3/2 ways, version miniaturised available as well UL solenoid coils 1.202 Series 700 1.204 Series PG 1.207 Series T772-773 1.224 Series T771 1.239 Poppet valves and solenoid valves 3/2 and 2/2 valves and solenoid valves for compressed air and vacuum, with aluminium and technopolymer body Series 514/N 1.247 Series T514 1.249 “Namur” valves and solenoid valves Series 514 High Performance 1.254 Series 515 High Performance 1.260 NAMUR valves and solenoid valves with technopolymer or aluminium body, also available in versions classified for use in potentially explosive environments (Directive 2014/34/EU) Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice II Solutions for pneumatic automation General catalogue

ISO 5599/1 valves and solenoid valves Valves and solenoid valves according to standard ISO 5599/1 available in 3 sizes with M12 5/2, 5/3 connectors, aluminium and technopolymer body Series 600 - M5 - G1” 1.288 Series 50-T50 1.310 Series 900 1.302 Series 55 Tecno-FUN 1.315 Series 1750 - 1760 1.330 Series Mini-RAP 1.332 Flow control valves, quick exhaust valves, selectors, silencers, unidirectional valves, manifolds, blocking valves, economizers, gang mounting manifolds, spry valves Unidirectional and bidirectional blocking valves, aluminium and technopolymer versions, with G1/8”- G1/4”- G3/8”- G1/2” connections Pressure switches, impulse generators, timers, two hands safety valve, oscillator valve, signal amplifier, progressive start up valve, high-low pressure device Miniaturised logic function with technopolymer body: RFU, RP, VB, VSR, VS-or, VS-and, IP, AP, RP+IP, VB+RFU, VB+VSR Brass versions rod G1/8” and with technopolymer body and integrated gauge version Nichel plated brass compact fittings, with straight male adaptor Pneumatic circuit accessories Blocking valves Complementary valves Function fittings Miniaturised pressure regulators Compact fittings for lubrication Accessories Wide range of multipolar and serial system, available with main fieldbus protocols Valves and solenoid valve manifolds Series 1000 - Size 1, 2 and 3 1.264 Series PX 1.334 Series 3000 EVO 1.355 Series 2200 Optyma-S EVO 1.408 Series 2200 Optyma-Sc 1.429 Series 2500 Optyma-F EVO 1.438 Series 2500 Optyma-T EVO 1.451 Series 2700 EVO 1.465 EVO Electronics 1.486 Series 2300 Enova® 1.504 Series 1000-M12 - Size 1, 2 and 3 1.281 Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice III Solutions for pneumatic automation General catalogue

Air treatment Section 02 Air quality 2.1 Series AIRPLUS 2.2 Air service units Wide range of components for compressed air treatment, available in aluminium, technopolymer and steel, in several sizes with connections from 1/8” to 1” and flow rates up to 8000 Nl/min. Series 1700 2.85 Series 1700 Steel line 2.159 Pressure switches Series DS 2.215. Series 1700 standard 2.176 Series 1700 2.219 Digital pressure switches and pressure gauges, panel mounting or manifold versions. The proportional pressure regulators range includes 3 product series: 1700 standard, 1700 miniaturised and WPR (Wide Pressure Regulators). 3 sizes aluminium pressure boosters available or technopolymer with 2:1 compression ratio. Measuring devices Proportional technology Pressure booster Pressure gauges Series DS 2.217 Series 1700 miniaturised 2.192 Series WPR 2.208 Series P+ 2.224 Series 1303-1308 3.30 Cylinders manufactured according to standards CNOMO, CETOP and ISO: standard versions, through rod versions, tandem push with common rod, tandem push with independent rods or opposed tandem with common rod CNOMO-CETOP-ISO cylinders Pneumatic actuation Section 03 ISO 6432 Microbore cylinders Cylinders with piston rod according to standard Versions available: with threaded end covers, rolled end covers, aluminium, stainless steel and technopolymer versions Series 1200 3.1 Threaded end covers cylinders Series 1200 Tecno-MIR 3.4 Series 1200 3.10 Rolled end covers MIR Series 1200 3.13 Rolled end covers MIR-INOX Series 1319-1320-1321 3.41 Series 1348-1349-1350 3.44 Non rotating cylinders Cylinders according to standard ISO 15552 Cylinders according to ISO 15552 with bores from Ø32 to Ø200 mm and strokes up to 1250 mm. Available versions: ECOPLUS with aluminium or technopolymer end plates, ECOLIGHT optmized in weight and dimensions, Steel line completely in stainless steel, round tube versions tie rod (Ø250-Ø320 mm) Series 1450 - 1463 -Ø50 - Ø63 3.86 ISO 15552 Hydro-pneumatic speed control cylinders with internal hydraulic circuit for movement control Hydro-pneumatic speed control cylinders according to standard ISO 15552 Series Ecoplus - HP 3.47 1386-87-88 and 1396-97-98 Series Ecolight 3.51 1390-1391-1392 Series Ecolight 3.58 with protective bellows Series 1315 3.73 Round tube cylinders Series Steel line - AISI 316 3.77 Series 1200, Steel line 3.18 IV Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice Solutions for pneumatic automation General catalogue

Series 1500 - Short stroke cylinders 3.132 Series 6100-6101-6110 3.154 Series 6600 3.168 Compact cylinders Guided compact cylinders Slide cylinders Short stroke and compact cylinders with bores from Ø20 to Ø100 mm, available in single and double acting versions, tandem and through rod with magnetic piston versions. The Europe version is compliant with the ISO or UNITOP standard (depending on bores), while the Ecompact-S versions have connections and rods according to the ISO 15552 standard These cylinders are available in sizes Ø12 to Ø80 mm, and comprise a single compact cylinder with integral guide rods, the rod guide is available in two styles: self-lubricating bronze bushes and bearing bushes Slide cylinders manufactured with bores from Ø8 to Ø25 mm, with strokes up to 150 mm. Available with simple and double regulation end stroke and also with front and rear shock absorber Series 1500 Europe 3.139 Series Ecompact-S 3.147 Series 1400 - Ø40 - Ø63 3.121 Series 6500 3.152 Hydraulic speed control cylinders Multimount cylinders Hydraulic speed control cylinders with outward, inward and outward/inward control, with lateral or in-line tank. Available with SKIP valve (accelerating device) and blocking valve (STOP) Multimount cylinders available with bores from Ø10 to Ø25 mm, with strokes up to 50 mm and with magnetic piston versions Series 1500 Ecompact 3.92 Series 1325-1326-1345-1347 3.110 Twin rod cylinders Series ECOFLAT 3.115 Compact cylinders according to standard ISO with integrated slots suitable for sensors mounting without adaptors. Bores from Ø20 to Ø100 mm. Versions with end stroke adjustable pneumatic cushioning are also available according to ISO 21287 Non rotating cylinders twin rod version, available with bores from Ø32 to Ø100 and strokes up to 500 mm ECOFLAT cylinders available with sizes from Ø25 to Ø63 mm and strokes up to 300 mm. Profiled tube has two “T” slots to host sensors 1580._, MRS._, MHS._. without adaptors. Two additional connections are also available on rear cover for cylinder feeding Compact cylinders according to standard ISO 21287 Profile tube cylinders, non rotating Flat profile cylinders Cylinders with piston rod not according to standard Series 1200 3.108 Special performance microbore cylinders Special performance microbore cylinders with hexagonal or round body and either completely threaded or threaded with a plain rod ending Threaded body microbore cylinders V Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice Solutions for pneumatic automation General catalogue

Rack rotary actuators Rotary actuators Series 3.211 1330 - 1331 - 1332 - 1333, rotary actuators Series 6400 - Double rack 3.215 actuators with turn table Double or single rack & pinion rotary actuators Series 6411 3.218 Series 6420 3.221 Vane type rotary actuators with the shaft that runs into ball bearings, available with sizes from Ø10 to Ø100 mm Vane type rotary actuators Handling Series 6300 3.231 Pneumatic grippers Series RT 3.245 Pneumatic grippers manufactured with 2 angular fingers (from -10° to +30°), wide opening 180°, or 3 finger parallel style. Swing clamp cylinders has been developed to meet the need to clamp a workpiece by means of a clamping arm. Sensors Magnetic sensors Magnetic sensors with Reed type or Hall effect Series SA 3.250 Pneumatic actuation / Cylinders with piston rod not according to standard (following) Section 03 Series 6200 3.179 Twin-rod slide units Slide units Series 6210 3.183 Through twin-rod slide units Series 6700 3.188 Guide cylinders Twin-rod linear guide units with bores from Ø10 to Ø32 mm, and with control unit with bronze bush versions, with control unit with bearing bush versions. Are also available the through twin-rod slide units and the compact slide units Series 1605 - Ø16 3.206 Rodless cylinders - Standard Rodless cylinders Series 1605 3.195 Rodless cylinders with bore from Ø16 to Ø63 mm, and strokes up to 6000 mm, available also with linear control unit VI Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice Solutions for pneumatic automation General catalogue

Series SR 3.262 Series SU 3.266 Miniaturised magnetic sensors Series SQ 3.267 Miniaturised magnetic sensors with Reed and Hall style versions, available with rectangular, square, square section UL/CSA approved, and round section versions Series ST 3.271 Piston rod lock Accessories and fixing devices Series 1260 - 1320 3.279 Piston rod lock for cylinders with bores from da Ø12 to Ø125 mm Series 1260 - 1320 3.281 Series 6900 3.283 Linear guiding units series 1200 (Ø20-25 mm) and series 1320 (from Ø32 to Ø80 mm) Shock absorbers with M8x1-M10x1-M14x1,5-M20x1,5-M27x1,5 threads Linear guiding units Shock absorbers Appendix A Pneumatic symbols Air quality Dimensioning Measure and conversion units Alphanumeric index A.1 A.4 A.5 A.14 A.18 VII Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice Solutions for pneumatic automation General catalogue

Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice VIII GLOBAL VISION and ITALIAN HEART Excellence in automation since 1976 Made in italy Founded in 1976 in Lurano (BG), Pneumax has represented Italian excellence worldwide: three business units dedicated to Industrial Automation, Process Automation and Automotive respectively, manufacturing pneumatic components and systems, electric actuators and components for controlling liquid and gaseous fluids, integrating mechanical, electronic and digital skills. Our presence in over 50 countries around the world is ensured by a network of subsidiaries and authorised distributors. All of our production activity is concentrated in the 10 production units of the Pneumax Group based in Italy. Seven of those units are located in the Pneumax Spa headquarters in Lurano (Bg). In addition to those production plants there are three other companies in the Group: Titan Engineering (San Marino), AutomationWare (Martellago-VE) and Simtech (Lurano-BG). Production sites 10 m2 Companies in the Group 29 Headquarters 160 .000 Solutions for pneumatic automation General catalogue

Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice IX Branches Employees 850 Foundation 1976 INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION PROCESS AUTOMATION AUTOMOTIVE BUSINESS UNITS Germany Czech Republic United Kingdom Spain France Portugal Scandinavia Europe United States Singapore Brazil India China World Milan Turin Florence Vicenza Bari Modena Rimini Parma Italy Solutions for pneumatic automation General catalogue

X EMPOWERING PEOPLE FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Enhancing human resources and the local area, respect for the environment and ethical approach to business We believe sustainable development means empowering people, through innovation, acting ethically and being respectful of the environment. Imagining, designing and implementing solutions through the combination of technologies and skills Our Vision Efficient organisation, continuous enhancement of skills and technological innovation: is what drives the strategy of Pneumax whose main objective has always been to foster sustainable development and to support its customers as a true technology partner. A result that can only be achieved by providing products and services to meet the different needs of customers. All this while guaranteeing the highest quality standards and implementing a business model that combines the pursuit of continuous improvement, enhancement of the local area and respect for people and the environment. The Pneumax Code of Ethics is the document underpinning every company decision to build a business model that values people, relationships and skills. Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice Solutions for pneumatic automation General catalogue

XI The desire to offer solutions specifically designed for the applications of different sectors has led to structuring the production and sales organisation into three Business Units: Industrial Automation, Process Automation and Automotive. Pneumax Business Units are capable of producing a wide range of components made from different materials, from technopolymers to brass, as well as steel and aluminum, according to the relevant international regulations concerning both production processes and product characteristics. PNEUMATIC TECHNOLOGY ELECTRIC ACTUATION FLUID CONTROL Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice Solutions for pneumatic automation General catalogue

Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice XII TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT Product quality stems from the quality of the processes and the competence of the people who carry them out Pneumax constantly invest in new product and manufacturing processes. Through research, quality perfection is the target of each company, that operates in compliance with ISO 9001 : 2015, ISO 14001 : 2015, and ISO 45001 : 2018 standards. Working according to Total Quality means guaranteeing our customers with the highest reliability of our products and services, because the most prestigious certification is the one that comes from the trust of our partners. Solutions for pneumatic automation General catalogue

Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice XIII Measuring, controlling and pursuing perfection Ongoing Improvement Company Management & Infrastructure People Expertise & Experience System and product certifications CSA PRODUCT CERTIFICATION ACCORDING TO CANADIAN STANDARDS EN ISO 13849 PRODUCTS CERTIFIED AND/OR ’WELL TRIED’ AND SUITABLE FOR APPLICATIONS IN SAFETY CIRCUITS UL PRODUCT CERTIFICATION ACCORDING TO US STANDARDS ATEX 2014/34/EU SYSTEMS FOR POTENTIALLY EXPLOSIVE ATMOSPHERES IEC 61508 SIL CERTIFICATES OF COMPLIANCE WITH IEC 61508 STANDARDS ISO 9001 REQUIREMENTS FOR A QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM EAC CERTIFICATION OF CONFORMITY FOR THE FREE MOVEMENT OF PRODUCTS IN THE EURO ASIAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY ISO 14001 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT STANDARDS ISO 45001:2018 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY ASSESSMENT SERIES MOCA FOOD CONTACT NSF FOOD CONTACT 2006/42/CE COMPLIANCE WITH REGULATIONS 2006/42/EC FOR MACHINERY Technology Products & Production Processes The Pneumax quality department use’s the latest measuring technology. Continuously scanning and analyzing components using structured light laser systems that digitize objects to provide dimensional analysis efficiently via dedicated software: 3D High Resolution X-ray Axial Computed Tomography (CT), with which it is possible to scan components, carry out any measurement required, even in areas that are not accessible or not visible with other instruments. Plastics and elastomers are monitored through the observation of thermograms provided by DSC (differential scanning calorimetry). All metrological information collected in the company’s databases is used for conformity assessments and reprocessed according to statistical control models to allow engineers to work on continuous product improvement. Solutions for pneumatic automation General catalogue

XIV Headquarters Branches Distributors Global vision, local service WORLDWIDE NETWORK Through a network of branches and exclusive distributors, Pneumax operates in over 50 countries around the world, offering support to it’s customers throughout every stage of the supply process, from application to after sales assistance. Each market and each sector has distinctive characteristics that make them unique. The aim of Pneumax network is to provide services that can enhance these peculiarities by working as a true strategic partner. Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice Solutions for pneumatic automation General catalogue

XV An operating model that stems from the ability to combine sector, technology and application expertise through customer collaboration with relevant Sales Engineers, sector Business Specialists and Product Specialists focused on products and technologies. The BUs, industrial automation, process automation and automotive, constantly interface to transfer the excellence and experience of each sector to the others: from the study of the materials needed in Petrochemicals, to the integration of electronics and digital in industrial Automation or meeting the quality standards required in Automotive processes. An organisation that allows all customers to enjoy the most effective mix of sectoral excellence. Pneumax Business Attitude PRODUCT SPECIALISTS Specific knowledge • Products and Technologies BUSINESS SPECIALISTS Dedicated competences • Sectors and Applications SALES ENGINEERS Worldwide Presence • Relationship management Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice Solutions for pneumatic automation General catalogue

1|i Air distribution Valves, solenoid valves and devices for compressed air distribution and control Valves and solenoid valves Spool type valves and solenoid valves Direct operated solenoid valves Single and manifold versions, mechanical and manual or pneumatic command Pilot valves, high flow rate performance 2/2 ways and 3/2 ways, miniaturised version available as well Section 01 Solutions for pneumatic automation General Catalogue Series 104 1.1 Series 105 1.12 Series 200 1.21 Series T200 1.54 Series 800 1.68 Series 888 1.77 Series 400 1.91 Series T400 1.110 Series 2100 Line-Flat-Base 1.124 Series 2400 Line-Flat-VDMA 1.139 Series 2600 Line-Flat-VDMA 1.160 Series 300 1.175 Solenoid coils 1.189 Series M (Mechanical) 1.193 Series CNOMO 1.197 Series S 1.200 300-UL solenoid coils 1.202 UL solenoid coils 1.202 Air distribution Index Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice

1|i Accessories Poppet valves and solenoid valves “Namur” valves and solenoid valves ISO 5599/1 valves and solenoid valves Pneumatic circuit accessories Complementary valves Blocking valves Function fittings 3/2 and 2/2 valves and solenoid valves for compressed air and vacuum, with aluminium and technopolymer body NAMUR valves and solenoid valves with technopolymer or aluminium body, also available in versions classified for use in potentially explosive environments (Directive 2014/34/EU) Valves and solenoid valves according to standard ISO 5599/1 available in 3 sizes with M12 5/2, 5/3 connectors, aluminium and technopolymer body Flow control valves, quick exhaust valves, selectors, silencers, unidirectional valves, manifolds, blocking valves, economizers, gang mounting manifolds, spry valves Pressure switches, impulse generators, timers, two hands safety valve, oscillator valve, signal amplifier, progressive start up valve, highlow pressure device Unidirectional and bidirectional blocking valves, aluminium and technopolymer versions, with G1/8”- G1/4”- G3/8”- G1/2” connections Miniaturised logic function with technopolymer body: RFU, RP, VB, VSR, VS-or, VS-and, IP, AP, RP+IP, VB+RFU, VB+VSR Solutions for pneumatic automation General Catalogue Series 514/N 1.247 Series T514 1.249 Series 514 High Performance 1.254 Series 515 High Performance 1.260 Series 1000 - Size 1, 2 and 3 1.264 Series 1000-M12 - Size 1, 2 and 3 1.281 Series 600 - M5 - G1” 1.288 Series 900 1.302 Series 50-T50 1.310 Series 55 Tecno-FUN 1.315 Air distribution Index Series 700 1.204 Series PG 1.207 Series T772-773 1.224 Series T771 1.239 Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice

1|i Solutions for pneumatic automation General Catalogue Air distribution Index Accessories (following) Miniaturised pressure regulators Compact fittings for lubrication Brass versions rod G1/8” and with technopolymer body and integrated gauge version Nichel plated brass compact fittings, with straight male adaptor Series 1750 - 1760 1.330 Series Mini-RAP 1.332 Wide range of multipole and serial systems, available with main fieldbus protocols Valves and solenoid valve manifolds Series PX 1.334 Series 3000 EVO 1.355 Series 2200 Optyma-S EVO 1.408 Series 2200 Optyma-Sc 1.429 Series 2500 Optyma-F EVO 1.438 Series 2500 Optyma-T EVO 1.451 Series 2700 EVO 1.465 EVO Electronics 1.486 Series 2300 Enova® 1.504 Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice

Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice Spool type valves and solenoid valves Series 104 1 Air distribution 1 | 1 Series 104 The micro valves 104 series are a cost effective solution with reduced overall dimensions, easy to install and manage. Their main characteristic is the possibility to choose between the version with lateral or rear pneumatic connections realized with quick fitting for Ø4mm tube included. The valves are available with 2 or 3 ways versions, normally closed or open, 5 ways and 5 ways 3 positions open centres and pressured centres. The 5 ways version is made with two 3 ways valves placed side by side with common inlet. The operators available for this valve are push button (different versions), selector (key, short and long lever), lever (lever roller or level undirectional) and pneumatic. It is also possible to combine the 2 and 3 ways valves with electrical switches, normally closed or open. Construction characteristics Body and cover Technopolymer Spacers Technopolymer Seals NBR Springs Spring steel Operators Plastic material for buttons and switches Pistons Aluminium (for pneumatic command version) Spools Steel Use and maintenance This valves have an average life of 15 million cycles depending on the application and air quality. Filtered and lubricated air using specified lubricants will reduce the wear of the seals and ensures long and trouble free operation. Please ensure that the valve is being used according with the manufacturers specification, such as air pressure and temperature. ATTENTION: use hydraulic oil class H for lubrication such as CASTROL MAGNA SW32. A : 2/2 N.C. B : 2/2 N.O. C : 3/2 N.C. D : 3/2 N.O.

Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice 1 Air distribution Spool type valves and solenoid valves 1 | 2 Series 104 - Mechanical and manual command - Ø4 mm ►Tappet - Spring Operational characteristics Fluid Filtered air. No lubrication needed, if applied it shall be continuous Max. working pressure (bar) 10 Temperature °C -5 ... +70 Flow rate at 6 bar with Δp=1 (Nl/min) 90 Orifice size (mm) 2.5 Working ports size ø4 tube Coding: 104.T.0.1.W.F T TYPE 22 = 2 ways, 2 positions 32 = 3 ways, 2 positions W CONNECTION TYPE L = Lateral P = Rear F FUNCTION A = Normally Open C = Normally Closed 2/2 - 3/2 - Lateral connections Weight 20 g Operating force 13 N 104.T.0.1.L.F 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 2 1 3 2/2 - 3/2 - Rear connections Weight 20 g Operating force 13 N 104.T.0.1.P.F 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 2 1 3 ►Push button - Spring Operational characteristics Fluid Filtered air. No lubrication needed, if applied it shall be continuous Max. working pressure (bar) 10 Temperature °C -5 ... +70 Flow rate at 6 bar with Δp=1 (Nl/min) 90 Orifice size (mm) 2.5 Working ports size ø4 tube Coding: 104.T.6.22/C.W.F T TYPE 22 = 2 ways, 2 positions 32 = 3 ways, 2 positions 52 = 5 ways, 2 positions C BUTTON COLOR 1 = Red 2 = Black 3 = Green 4 = Yellow W CONNECTION TYPE L = Lateral P = Rear F FUNCTION (only for 2/2 or 3/2 ways) A = Normally Open C = Normally Closed 2/2 - 3/2 - Lateral connections Weight 50 g Operating force 18 N 104.T.6.22/C.L.F 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 2 1 3 2/2 - 3/2 - Rear connections Weight 50 g Operating force 18 N 104.T.6.22/C.P.F 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 2 1 3 5/2 - Lateral connections Weight 105 g Operating force 30 N 2 1 3 4 5 5/2 - Rear connections Weight 105 g Operating force 30 N 2 1 3 4 5

Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice 1 Air distribution Spool type valves and solenoid valves 1 | 3 Series 104 - Mechanical and manual command - Ø4 mm ►Push button 2 positions (step - step) Operational characteristics Fluid Filtered air. No lubrication needed, if applied it shall be continuous Max. working pressure (bar) 10 Temperature °C -5 ... +70 Flow rate at 6 bar with Δp=1 (Nl/min) 90 Orifice size (mm) 2.5 Working ports size ø4 tube Coding: 104.T.6.31.W.F T TYPE 22 = 2 ways, 2 positions 32 = 3 ways, 2 positions 52 = 5 ways, 2 positions W CONNECTION TYPE L = Lateral P = Rear F FUNCTION (only for 2/2 and 3/2 ways) A = Normally Open C = Normally Closed 2/2 - 3/2 - Lateral connections Weight 60 g Operating force 18 N 104.T.6.31.L.F 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 2 1 3 2/2 - 3/2 - Rear connections Weight 60 g Operating force 18 N 104.T.6.31.P.F 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 2 1 3 5/2 - Lateral connections Weight 110 g Operating force 30 N 2 1 3 4 5 5/2 - Rear connections Weight 110 g Operating force 30 N 2 1 3 4 5

Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice 1 Air distribution Spool type valves and solenoid valves 1 | 4 Series 104 - Mechanical and manual command - Ø4 mm ►Raised Push button - Spring Operational characteristics Fluid Filtered air. No lubrication needed, if applied it shall be continuous Max. working pressure (bar) 10 Temperature °C -5 ... +70 Flow rate at 6 bar with Δp=1 (Nl/min) 90 Orifice size (mm) 2.5 Working ports size ø4 tube Coding: 104.T.6.23/C.W.F T TYPE 22 = 2 ways, 2 positions 32 = 3 ways, 2 positions 52 = 5 ways, 2 positions C BUTTON COLOR 1 = Red 2 = Black 3 = Green 4 = Yellow W CONNECTION TYPE L = Lateral P = Rear F FUNCTION (only for 2/2 or 3/2 ways) A = Normally Open C = Normally Closed 2/2 - 3/2 - Lateral connections Weight 50 g Operating force 18 N 104.T.6.23/C.L.F 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 2 1 3 2/2 - 3/2 - Rear connections Weight 50 g Operating force 18 N 104.T.6.23/C.P.F 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 2 1 3 5/2 - Lateral connections Weight 105 g Operating force 30 N 2 1 3 4 5 5/2 - Rear connections Weight 105 g Operating force 30 N 2 1 3 4 5

Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice 1 Air distribution Spool type valves and solenoid valves 1 | 5 Series 104 - Mechanical and manual command - Ø4 mm ►Palm button 2 position Operational characteristics Fluid Filtered air. No lubrication needed, if applied it shall be continuous Max. working pressure (bar) 10 Temperature °C -5 ... +70 Flow rate at 6 bar with Δp=1 (Nl/min) 90 Orifice size (mm) 2.5 Working ports size ø4 tube Coding: 104.T.6.25.W.F T TYPE 22 = 2 ways, 2 positions 32 = 3 ways, 2 positions 52 = 5 ways, 2 positions W CONNECTION TYPE L = Lateral P = Rear F FUNCTION (only for 2/2 and 3/2 ways) A = Normally Open C = Normally Closed 2/2 - 3/2 - Lateral connections Weight 65 g Operating force 19 N Emergency - Rotate to unlock 104.T.6.25.L.F 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 2 1 3 2/2 - 3/2 - Rear connections Weight 65 g Operating force 19 N Emergency - Rotate to unlock 104.T.6.25.P.F 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 2 1 3 5/2 - Lateral connections Weight 120 g Operating force 32 N Emergency - Rotate to unlock 2 1 3 4 5 5/2 - Rear connections Weight 120 g Operating force 32 N Emergency - Rotate to unlock 2 1 3 4 5

Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice 1 Air distribution Spool type valves and solenoid valves 1 | 6 Series 104 - Mechanical and manual command - Ø4 mm ►Switch - short lever Operational characteristics Fluid Filtered air. No lubrication needed, if applied it shall be continuous Max. working pressure (bar) 10 Temperature °C -5 ... +70 Flow rate at 6 bar with Δp=1 (Nl/min) 90 Orifice size (mm) 2.5 Working ports size ø4 tube Coding: 104.T.F1.6.30.S.W.F2 T TYPE 22 = 2 ways, 2 positions 32 = 3 ways, 2 positions 52 = 5 ways, 2 positions 53 = 5 ways, 3 positions F1 FUNCTION 1 (only for 5/3 ways) 32 = Open centres 33 = Pressured centres S SWITCH POSITION (only for 5/3 ways) 0 = 3 instable positions 1 = 3 stable positions W CONNECTION TYPE L = Lateral P = Rear F2 FUNCTION 2 (only for 2/2 or 3/2 ways) A = Normally Open C = Normally Closed 2/2 - 3/2 - Lateral connections Weight 65 g Switch 2 positions stable 104.T.6.30.L.F2 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 2 1 3 2/2 - 3/2 - Rear connections Weight 65 g Switch 2 positions stable 104.T.6.30.P.F2 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 2 1 3 5/2 - Lateral connections Weight 120 g Switch 2 positions stable 2 1 3 4 5 5/2 - Rear connections Weight 120 g Switch 2 positions stable 2 1 3 4 5 5/3 - Lateral connections Weight 120 g 104.53.F1.6.30.S.L 2 1 3 4 5 2 1 3 4 5 5 2 1 3 4 2 1 3 4 5 5/3 - Rear connections Weight 120 g 104.53.F1.6.30.S.P 2 1 3 4 5 2 1 3 4 5 5 2 1 3 4 2 1 3 4 5

Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice 1 Air distribution Spool type valves and solenoid valves 1 | 7 Series 104 - Mechanical and manual command - Ø4 mm ►Switch - long lever Operational characteristics Fluid Filtered air. No lubrication needed, if applied it shall be continuous Max. working pressure (bar) 10 Temperature °C -5 ... +70 Flow rate at 6 bar with Δp=1 (Nl/min) 90 Orifice size (mm) 2.5 Working ports size ø4 tube Coding: 104.T.F1.6.27.S.W.F2 T TYPE 22 = 2 ways, 2 positions 32 = 3 ways, 2 positions 52 = 5 ways, 2 positions 53 = 5 ways, 3 positions F1 FUNCTION 1 (only for 5/3 ways) 32 = Open centres 33 = Pressured centres S SWITCH POSITION (only for 5/3 ways) 0 = 3 instable positions 1 = 3 stable positions W CONNECTION TYPE L = Lateral P = Rear F2 FUNCTION 2 (only for 2/2 or 3/2 ways) A = Normally Open C = Normally Closed 2/2 - 3/2 - Lateral connections Weight 65 g Switch 2 positions stable 104.T.6.27.L.F2 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 2 1 3 2/2 - 3/2 - Rear connections Weight 65 g Switch 2 positions stable 104.T.6.27.P.F2 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 2 1 3 5/2 - Lateral connections Weight 120 g Switch 2 positions stable 2 1 3 4 5 5/2 - Rear connections Weight 120 g Switch 2 positions stable 2 1 3 4 5 5/3 - Lateral connections Weight 120 g 104.53.F1.6.27.S.L 2 1 3 4 5 2 1 3 4 5 5 2 1 3 4 2 1 3 4 5 5/3 - Rear connections Weight 120 g 104.53.F1.6.27.S.P 2 1 3 4 5 2 1 3 4 5 5 2 1 3 4 2 1 3 4 5

Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice 1 Air distribution Spool type valves and solenoid valves 1 | 8 Series 104 - Mechanical and manual command - Ø4 mm ►Key switch Operational characteristics Fluid Filtered air. No lubrication needed, if applied it shall be continuous Max. working pressure (bar) 10 Temperature °C -5 ... +70 Flow rate at 6 bar with Δp=1 (Nl/min) 90 Orifice size (mm) 2.5 Working ports size ø4 tube Coding: 104.T.F1.6.28.S.W.F2 T TYPE 22 = 2 ways, 2 positions 32 = 3 ways, 2 positions 52 = 5 ways, 2 positions 53 = 5 ways, 3 positions F1 FUNCTION 1 (only for 5/3 ways) 32 = Open centres 33 = Pressured centres S SWITCH POSITION (only for 5/3 ways) 0 = 3 instable positions 1 = 3 stable positions W CONNECTION TYPE L = Lateral P = Rear F2 FUNCTION 2 (only for 2/2 or 3/2 ways) A = Normally Open C = Normally Closed 2/2 - 3/2 - Lateral connections Weight 100 g Switch 2 positions stable 104.T.6.28.L.F2 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 2 1 3 2/2 - 3/2 - Rear connections Weight 100 g Switch 2 positions stable 104.T.6.28.P.F2 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 2 1 3 5/2 - Lateral connections Weight 155 g Switch 2 positions stable 2 1 3 4 5 5/2 - Rear connections Weight 155 g Switch 2 positions stable 2 1 3 4 5 5/3 - Lateral connections Weight 155 g 104.53.F1.6.28.S.L 2 1 3 4 5 2 1 3 4 5 2 1 3 4 5 2 1 3 4 5 5/3 - Rear connections Weight 155 g 104.53.F1.6.28.S.P 2 1 3 4 5 2 1 3 4 5 2 1 3 4 5 2 1 3 4 5

Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice 1 Air distribution Spool type valves and solenoid valves 1 | 9 Series 104 - Mechanical and manual command - Ø4 mm ►Lever roller - Spring Operational characteristics Fluid Filtered air. No lubrication needed, if applied it shall be continuous Max. working pressure (bar) 10 Temperature °C -5 ... +70 Flow rate at 6 bar with Δp=1 (Nl/min) 90 Orifice size (mm) 2.5 Working ports size ø4 tube Coding: 104.T.2.1.W.F T TYPE 22 = 2 ways, 2 positions 32 = 3 ways, 2 positions W CONNECTION TYPE L = Lateral P = Rear F FUNCTION A = Normally Open C = Normally Closed 2/2 - 3/2 - Lateral connections Weight 31 g Operating force 9 N 104.T.2.1.L.F 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 2 1 3 2/2 - 3/2 - Rear connections Weight 31 g Operating force 9 N 104.T.2.1.P.F 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 2 1 3 ►Lever roller ball bearing - Spring Operational characteristics Fluid Filtered air. No lubrication needed, if applied it shall be continuous Max. working pressure (bar) 10 Temperature °C -5 ... +70 Flow rate at 6 bar with Δp=1 (Nl/min) 90 Orifice size (mm) 2.5 Working ports size ø4 tube Coding: 104.T.2.1/1.W.F T TYPE 22 = 2 ways, 2 positions 32 = 3 ways, 2 positions W CONNECTION TYPE L = Lateral P = Rear F FUNCTION A = Normally Open C = Normally Closed 2/2 - 3/2 - Lateral connections Weight 46 g Operating force 9 N 104.T.2.1/1.L.F 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 2 1 3 2/2 - 3/2 - Rear connections Weight 46 g Operating force 9 N 104.T.2.1/1.P.F 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 2 1 3 ►Lever unidirectional - Spring Operational characteristics Fluid Filtered air. No lubrication needed, if applied it shall be continuous Max. working pressure (bar) 10 Temperature °C -5 ... +70 Flow rate at 6 bar with Δp=1 (Nl/min) 90 Orifice size (mm) 2.5 Working ports size ø4 tube Coding: 104.T.3.1.W.F T TYPE 22 = 2 ways, 2 positions 32 = 3 ways, 2 positions W CONNECTION TYPE L = Lateral P = Rear F FUNCTION A = Normally Open C = Normally Closed 2/2 - 3/2 - Lateral connections Weight 31 g Operating force 9 N 104.T.3.1.L.F 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 2 1 3 2/2 - 3/2 - Rear connections Weight 31 g Operating force 9 N 104.T.3.1.P.F 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 2 1 3

Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice 1 Air distribution Spool type valves and solenoid valves 1 | 10 Series 104 - Accessories ►Complete lever roller operator Coding: 104.2.1 ►Complete lever roller ball bearing operator Coding: 104.2.1/1 ►Complete lever unidirectional Coding: 104.3.1 ►Fixing plate Coding: 104.00 Complete with fixing screws ►Push button Coding: 104.6.22/C C BUTTON COLOR 1 = Red 2 = Black 3 = Green 4 = Yellow ►Raised Push button Coding: 104.6.23/C C BUTTON COLOR 1 = Red 2 = Black 3 = Green 4 = Yellow ►Push button 2 positions Coding: 104.6.31 (step - step) ►Palm button 2 position Coding: 104.6.25 Emergency - Rotate to unlock ►Switch - short lever Coding: 104.6.30.S S SWITCH POSITION (only for 3 position) 0 = 3 instable positions 1 = 3 stable positions Switch 2 positions stable 104.6.30 Switch 3 positions 104.6.30.S ►Switch - long lever Coding: 104.6.27.S S SWITCH POSITION (only for 3 position) 0 = 3 instable positions 1 = 3 stable positions Switch 2 positions stable 104.6.27 Switch 3 positions 104.6.27.S ►Key switch Coding: 104.6.28.S S SWITCH POSITION (only for 3 position) 0 = 3 instable positions 1 = 3 stable positions Switch 2 positions stable 104.6.28 Switch 3 positions 104.6.28.S ►Joystick selector switch, 3 instable positions Coding: ►Contact electric element Coding: 104.F F FUNCTION NO = Normally Open NC = Normally Closed ►Complete Pneumatic Operator Coding: 104.11 ►Push button protection cover Coding: 104.02

Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice 1 Air distribution Spool type valves and solenoid valves 1 | 11 Series 104 - Pneumatic command valves - Ø4 mm ►Pneumatic - Spring Operational characteristics Fluid Filtered air. No lubrication needed, if applied it shall be continuous Max. working pressure (bar) 10 Temperature °C -5 ... +50 Flow rate at 6 bar with Δp=1 (Nl/min) 90 Orifice size (mm) 2.5 Working ports size ø4 tube Pilot ports size M5 Coding: 104.T.11.1.W.F T TYPE 22 = 2 ways, 2 positions 32 = 3 ways, 2 positions W CONNECTION TYPE L = Lateral P = Rear F FUNCTION A = Normally Open C = Normally Closed 2/2 - 3/2 - Lateral connections Weight 25 g Minimum pilot pressure 2,5 bar 104.T.11.1.L.F 2 1 12 2 1 12 2 1 3 12 2 1 3 12 2/2 - 3/2 - Rear connections Weight 25 g Minimum pilot pressure 2,5 bar 104.T.11.1.P.F 2 1 12 2 1 12 2 1 3 12 2 1 3 12

Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice Spool type valves and solenoid valves Series 105 1 Air distribution 1 | 12 Series 105 The series 105 consist of a broad range of miniature valves and valves with various type of actuation. The connections are M5 for this series Due to their special construction with a balanced spool, these valves can be used interchangeably as 3 ways or 5 ways. The 3 ways can be used normally closed or normally open and the 5 ways can be fed through the exhausts 3 and 5 with different pressures according to the need. The spool, as it is moving, isolates the connections without being affected by the inlet pressure. Construction characteristics M5 Body Aluminium Spacers Technopolymer Seals NBR Springs Spring steel Operators Nickel plated brass Stainless steel for roller levers and button levers; Zinc plated steel for side levers; Plastic material for handles, buttons and switches Aluminium (for pneumatic command version) Pistons Aluminium (for pneumatic command version) Spools Steel Use and maintenance This valves have an average life of 15 million cycles depending on the application and air quality. Filtered and lubricated air using specified lubricants will reduce the wear of the seals and ensures long and trouble free operation. Please ensure that the valve is being used according with the manufacturers specification, such as air pressure and temperature. The exhaust port of the distributor has to be protected in a dusty and dirty environment. Repair kits including the spool complete with seals are available for overhauling the valves. However, although this is a simple operation it should be carried out by a competent person. ATTENTION: use hydraulic oil class H for lubrication such as CASTROL MAGNA SW32.

Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice 1 Air distribution Spool type valves and solenoid valves 1 | 13 Series 105 - Mechanical and manual command - M5 ►Tappet panel - Spring Operational characteristics Fluid Filtered air. No lubrication needed, if applied it shall be continuous Max. working pressure (bar) 10 Temperature °C -5 ... +70 Flow rate at 6 bar with Δp=1 (Nl/min) 120 Orifice size (mm) 2.5 Working ports size M5 Coding: 105.T.0.1 T TYPE 32 = 3 ways, 2 positions 52 = 5 ways, 2 positions 2 1 3 2 1 3 4 5 3/2 ways Weight 70 g Operating force 14 N 5/2 ways Weight 87 g Operating force 14 N ►Lever roller - Spring Operational characteristics Fluid Filtered air. No lubrication needed, if applied it shall be continuous Max. working pressure (bar) 10 Temperature °C -5 ... +70 Flow rate at 6 bar with Δp=1 (Nl/min) 120 Orifice size (mm) 2.5 Working ports size M5 Coding: 105.T.2.1 T TYPE 32 = 3 ways, 2 positions 52 = 5 ways, 2 positions 2 1 3 2 1 3 4 5 3/2 ways Weight 85 g Operating force 6 N 5/2 ways Weight 102 g Operating force 6 N ►Lever roller ball bearing - Spring Operational characteristics Fluid Filtered air. No lubrication needed, if applied it shall be continuous Max. working pressure (bar) 10 Temperature °C -5 ... +70 Flow rate at 6 bar with Δp=1 (Nl/min) 120 Orifice size (mm) 2.5 Working ports size M5 Coding: 105.T.2.1/1 T TYPE 32 = 3 ways, 2 positions 52 = 5 ways, 2 positions 2 1 3 2 1 3 4 5 3/2 ways Weight 100 g Operating force 6 N 5/2 ways Weight 177 g Operating force 6 N

Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice 1 Air distribution Spool type valves and solenoid valves 1 | 14 Series 105 - Mechanical and manual command - M5 ►Lever button - Spring Operational characteristics Fluid Filtered air. No lubrication needed, if applied it shall be continuous Max. working pressure (bar) 10 Temperature °C -5 ... +70 Flow rate at 6 bar with Δp=1 (Nl/min) 120 Orifice size (mm) 2.5 Working ports size M5 Coding: 105.T.2.6/C T TYPE 32 = 3 ways, 2 positions 52 = 5 ways, 2 positions C BUTTON COLOR 1 = Red 2 = Black 3 = Green 2 1 3 2 1 3 4 5 3/2 ways Weight 85 g Operating force 6 N 5/2 ways Weight 102 g Operating force 6 N ►Lever unidirectional - Spring Operational characteristics Fluid Filtered air. No lubrication needed, if applied it shall be continuous Max. working pressure (bar) 10 Temperature °C -5 ... +70 Flow rate at 6 bar with Δp=1 (Nl/min) 120 Orifice size (mm) 2.5 Working ports size M5 Coding: 105.T.3.1 T TYPE 32 = 3 ways, 2 positions 52 = 5 ways, 2 positions 2 1 3 2 1 3 4 5 3/2 ways Weight 85 g Operating force 6 N 5/2 ways Weight 102 g Operating force 6 N ►Lever panel Ø22 - 2 positions Operational characteristics Fluid Filtered air. No lubrication needed, if applied it shall be continuous Max. working pressure (bar) 10 Temperature °C -5 ... +70 Flow rate at 6 bar with Δp=1 (Nl/min) 120 Orifice size (mm) 2.5 Working ports size M5 Coding: 105.T.4/C T TYPE 32 = 3 ways, 2 positions 52 = 5 ways, 2 positions C LEVER COLOR 1 = Red 2 = Black 3 = Green 2 1 3 105.32.4/C 2 1 3 4 5 105.52.4/C 3/2 ways Weight 125 g 5/2 ways Weight 142 g

Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice 1 Air distribution Spool type valves and solenoid valves 1 | 15 Series 105 - Mechanical and manual command - M5 ►Lever panel Ø30 - 2 positions Operational characteristics Fluid Filtered air. No lubrication needed, if applied it shall be continuous Max. working pressure (bar) 10 Temperature °C -5 ... +70 Flow rate at 6 bar with Δp=1 (Nl/min) 120 Orifice size (mm) 2.5 Working ports size M5 Coding: 105.T.5/C T TYPE 32 = 3 ways, 2 positions 52 = 5 ways, 2 positions C LEVER COLOR 1 = Red 2 = Black 3 = Green 2 1 3 105.32.5/C 2 1 3 4 5 105.52.5/C 3/2 ways Weight 165 g 5/2 ways Weight 182 g ►Push button Ø30 - Spring Operational characteristics Fluid Filtered air. No lubrication needed, if applied it shall be continuous Max. working pressure (bar) 10 Temperature °C -5 ... +70 Flow rate at 6 bar with Δp=1 (Nl/min) 120 Orifice size (mm) 2.5 Working ports size M5 Coding: 105.T.6.1/C T TYPE 32 = 3 ways, 2 positions 52 = 5 ways, 2 positions C BUTTON COLOR 1 = Red 2 = Black 3 = Green 2 1 3 2 1 3 4 5 3/2 ways Weight 123 g Operating force 14 N 5/2 ways Weight 140 g Operating force 14 N ►Push button Ø22 - Spring Operational characteristics Fluid Filtered air. No lubrication needed, if applied it shall be continuous Max. working pressure (bar) 10 Temperature °C -5 ... +70 Flow rate at 6 bar with Δp=1 (Nl/min) 120 Orifice size (mm) 2.5 Working ports size M5 Coding: 105.T.6.2/C T TYPE 32 = 3 ways, 2 positions 52 = 5 ways, 2 positions C BUTTON COLOR 1 = Red 2 = Black 3 = Green 2 1 3 2 1 3 4 5 3/2 ways Weight 102 g Operating force 14 N 5/2 ways Weight 119 g Operating force 14 N

Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice 1 Air distribution Spool type valves and solenoid valves 1 | 16 Series 105 - Mechanical and manual command - M5 ►Push button - Spring Operational characteristics Fluid Filtered air. No lubrication needed, if applied it shall be continuous Max. working pressure (bar) 10 Temperature °C -5 ... +70 Flow rate at 6 bar with Δp=1 (Nl/min) 120 Orifice size (mm) 2.5 Working ports size M5 Coding: 105.T.6.22/C T TYPE 32 = 3 ways, 2 positions 52 = 5 ways, 2 positions C BUTTON COLOR 1 = Red 2 = Black 3 = Green 4 = Yellow 2 1 3 2 1 3 4 5 3/2 ways Weight 165 g Operating force 14 N 5/2 ways Weight 182 g Operating force 14 N ►Raised Push button - Spring Operational characteristics Fluid Filtered air. No lubrication needed, if applied it shall be continuous Max. working pressure (bar) 10 Temperature °C -5 ... +70 Flow rate at 6 bar with Δp=1 (Nl/min) 120 Orifice size (mm) 2.5 Working ports size M5 Coding: 105.T.6.23/C T TYPE 32 = 3 ways, 2 positions 52 = 5 ways, 2 positions C BUTTON COLOR 1 = Red 2 = Black 3 = Green 4 = Yellow 2 1 3 2 1 3 4 5 3/2 ways Weight 170 g Operating force 14 N 5/2 ways Weight 187 g Operating force 14 N ►Switch 2 positions Operational characteristics Fluid Filtered air. No lubrication needed, if applied it shall be continuous Max. working pressure (bar) 10 Temperature °C -5 ... +70 Flow rate at 6 bar with Δp=1 (Nl/min) 120 Orifice size (mm) 2.5 Working ports size M5 Coding: 105.T.6.27 T TYPE 32 = 3 ways, 2 positions 52 = 5 ways, 2 positions 2 1 3 2 1 3 4 5 3/2 ways Weight 185 g 5/2 ways Weight 202 g

Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice 1 Air distribution Spool type valves and solenoid valves 1 | 17 Series 105 - Mechanical and manual command - M5 ►Key switch 2 positions Operational characteristics Fluid Filtered air. No lubrication needed, if applied it shall be continuous Max. working pressure (bar) 10 Temperature °C -5 ... +70 Flow rate at 6 bar with Δp=1 (Nl/min) 120 Orifice size (mm) 2.5 Working ports size M5 Coding: 105.T.6.28 T TYPE 32 = 3 ways, 2 positions 52 = 5 ways, 2 positions 2 1 3 2 1 3 4 5 3/2 ways Weight 215 g 5/2 ways Weight 232 g ►Palm pushbutton Ø30 - Spring Operational characteristics Fluid Filtered air. No lubrication needed, if applied it shall be continuous Max. working pressure (bar) 10 Temperature °C -5 ... +70 Flow rate at 6 bar with Δp=1 (Nl/min) 120 Orifice size (mm) 2.5 Working ports size M5 Coding: 105.T.7.1/C T TYPE 32 = 3 ways, 2 positions 52 = 5 ways, 2 positions C BUTTON COLOR 1 = Red 2 = Black 3 = Green 2 1 3 2 1 3 4 5 3/2 ways Weight 126 g Operating force 14 N 5/2 ways Weight 143 g Operating force 14 N ►Palm pushbutton Ø22 - Spring Operational characteristics Fluid Filtered air. No lubrication needed, if applied it shall be continuous Max. working pressure (bar) 10 Temperature °C -5 ... +70 Flow rate at 6 bar with Δp=1 (Nl/min) 120 Orifice size (mm) 2.5 Working ports size M5 Coding: 105.T.7.2/C T TYPE 32 = 3 ways, 2 positions 52 = 5 ways, 2 positions C BUTTON COLOR 1 = Red 2 = Black 3 = Green 2 1 3 2 1 3 4 5 3/2 ways Weight 103 g Operating force 14 N 5/2 ways Weight 120 g Operating force 14 N

Overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative purposes and may be modified without notice 1 Air distribution Spool type valves and solenoid valves 1 | 18 Series 105 - Mechanical and manual command - M5 ►Push button Operational characteristics Fluid Filtered air. No lubrication needed, if applied it shall be continuous Max. working pressure (bar) 10 Temperature °C -5 ... +70 Flow rate at 6 bar with Δp=1 (Nl/min) 120 Orifice size (mm) 2.5 Working ports size M5 Coding: 105.T.8.1/C T TYPE 32 = 3 ways, 2 positions 52 = 5 ways, 2 positions C BUTTON COLOR 1 = Red 2 = Black 3 = Green 2 1 3 2 1 3 4 5 3/2 ways Weight 75 g Operating force 14 N 5/2 ways Weight 92 g Operating force 14 N ►Push button 2 positions Operational characteristics Fluid Filtered air. No lubrication needed, if applied it shall be continuous Max. working pressure (bar) 10 Temperature °C -5 ... +70 Flow rate at 6 bar with Δp=1 (Nl/min) 120 Orifice size (mm) 2.5 Working ports size M5 Coding: 105.T.8/C T TYPE 32 = 3 ways, 2 positions 52 = 5 ways, 2 positions C BUTTON COLOR 1 = Red 2 = Black 3 = Green 2 1 3 105.32.8/C 2 1 3 4 5 105.52.8/C 3/2 ways Weight 75 g Operating force 14 N 5/2 ways Weight 92 g Operating force 14 N ►Whisker - Spring Operational characteristics Fluid Filtered air. No lubrication needed, if applied it shall be continuous Max. working pressure (bar) 10 Temperature °C -5 ... +70 Flow rate at 6 bar with Δp=1 (Nl/min) 120 Orifice size (mm) 2.5 Working ports size M5 Coding: 105.T.9.1 T TYPE 32 = 3 ways, 2 positions 52 = 5 ways, 2 positions 2 1 3 2 1 3 4 5 3/2 ways Weight 136 g 5/2 ways Weight 153 g