Electric cylinders 23 Series 1800 ELECTRIC ACTUATION Overalldimensionsand technical informationareprovidedsolely for informativepurposesandmaybemodifiedwithoutnotice Rear clevis (MP2) Rear male clevis (MP4) Similar to type 08 but includes a hinge pin. This type of mounting allows anchorage of the cylinder either parallel or right angle to plane; the cylinder rod can oscillate and selfalign as necessary when under load. Made of aluminium alloy or steel (see ordering code) and painted black. Similar to 09 and 20F clevis except for the connection, which is male rather than female. Used to mount the cylinder either parallel or at a right angle to the plane; the cylinder rod can oscillate and self-align as necessary when under load. Made of aluminium alloy or steel (see ordering code) and painted black. E MR L H CB UB TG E TG L2 CD S5 XD + stroke E TG EW UB L2 CD L H MR E TG S5 XD + stroke -0,5 -0 Ordering code : Aluminium 1380.Ø.09F Steel 1320.Ø.20F Ordering code : Aluminium 1380.Ø.09/1F Steel 1320.Ø.21F Size CB (H 14) CD E H L MR TG UB (h14) XD L2 (±0,5) S5 Weight (g) Aluminium Steel Aluminium Steel Aluminium Steel Aluminium Steel 32 26 10 45 45 9 10 13 12 10 32,5 45 228.7 5,5 6,6 80 180 40 28 12 52 55 9 10 16 15 12 38 52 257.7 5,5 6,6 130 290 50 32 12 65 65 11 10 16 17 12 46,5 60 306.2 6,5 9 185 400 63 40 16 75 75 11 12 21 20 16 56,5 70 325 6,5 9 310 670 Size CD E EW H L MR TG UB ( ) XD L2 (±0.5) S5 Weight (g) Aluminium Steel Aluminium Steel Aluminium Steel Aluminium Steel 32 10 45 45 26 ( ) 9 10 13 12 10 32,5 46 228.7 5,5 6,6 90 210 40 12 52 55 28 ( ) 9 10 16 15 12 38 53 257.7 5,5 6,6 130 330 50 12 65 65 32 ( ) 11 10 16 17 12 46,5 61 306.2 6,5 9 190 430 63 16 75 75 40 ( ) 11 12 21 20 16 56,5 71 325 6,5 9 340 810 -0,5 -0 -0,2 -0,6 -0,2 -0,6 -0,2 -0,6 -0,2 -0,6