We Pneumax 01-2024 EN

04 CEO Pneumax S.p.a. ROSSELLA BOTTACINI INNOVATION AND PEOPLE: THE WORLD OF TOMORROW Editorial Difficulties often prepare normal people for an extraordinary fate and never underestimate the problem, nor the ability to deal with it. Talking about growth today, in a scenario plagued by wars and conflicts, means being able to look beyond the horizon while proceeding without deviating, with concreteness and realism, doing everything possible to seize every opportunity, strengthened by the value that we have always attributed to the sustainability of 'made in Italy', re-launching our tradition and combining it digitally as a tool for innovation and not as innovation in itself. This period reminds us of the awareness and strength to start again, giving voice to an Italy that wants to react and get back on its feet, because it is now, it is today, that we must run fast and bring our country back to competitive levels. We want to think in terms of opportunities because we are used to being on the market, to overcoming its pitfalls, through our experience, know-how and flexibility to find alternative solutions. All this together with the value and the pride of belonging to a nation with an unparalleled intrinsic 'Value', built up over time and irrespective of geographical locations or a particular industry. In a world where man and machine are increasingly integrated, there are many challenges for the future, from AI to ESG. Rise of artificial intelligence will have many positive effects on work and business relations, and will mark a change in civilisation in our economic and social life. In this sense, its gradual spread must be seized as an opportunity to prepare our people, equipping them with the essential skills to be able to use it effectively as an intelligent tool, guaranteeing the relaunch of the company on time, stimulating knowledge and internal learning processes, investing in an ethical manner starting from the care and valorisation of our people, while respecting differences, who have always represented the true asset of our daily actions. Today, more than ever, because economic growth can only be such if it is truly inclusive. We are also called upon to address ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance): social and environmental responsibility are among the most difficult aspects to handle, but they are also the ones that will determine the organisation's ability