We Pneumax 01-2024 EN

01 07 Fabrizio Cattaneo Technical Director Pneumax S.p.a. Looking at the activities of its technical department, it is possible to, in the first instance, trace what for Pneumax are the main development guidelines that characterise the market as a whole today, and in particular that of industrial automation. "Today the world is moving towards IoT platforms and, more generally, towards the demand for solutions that are able to offer maximum connectivity and information sharing," explains Fabrizio Cattaneo, Technical and R&D Director. This is an important driver that has led our work over the past 24 months and will continue to drive the development and integration of new products which allow this type of function to be performed. INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION: CONNECTIVITY AND FLEXIBILITY. Pneumax's most recent system upgrades aim to maximise flexibility even in products that are by themselves standard, allowing them to be used in connection with multi-protocol platforms, as well as increasing the userfriendliness of the systems through, for example, reduced set-up times and programming. It is precisely with this objective that the new EVO solenoid valve range with integrated PX electronics has been developed. Another fundamental leitmotif that Cattaneo points out is related to the topic of energy efficiency, of the green and circular economy. The head of Pneumax's technical department also looks forward to the advent of the first real Artificial Intelligence algorithms, which unlike the currently available calculation algorithms, which are based on known events, will instead be truly intelligent systems with machine learning capabilities. Also capable, therefore, of describing machine states and potential system drifts from the acquisition of essential operating data, with the aim of alerting users in good time to possible failure probabilities and system downtimes, obtaining a predictive result for the system. Thus, integrating these process intelligence capabilities even locally on the same components where the sensors are located. 1.