We Pneumax 02-2024 EN

This time of ours, of great change that touches us deeply: a broken world seeking a fragile balance. PNEUMAX: THE FUTURE THAT AWAITS US 04 Editorial 02 FIP, the branch of the Pneumax Group which has been following the territory of Parma and Reggio Emilia for years, has a new site. A NEW SITE IN PARMA FOR FIP 21 THE SYNERGY WITH 24ORE BUSINESS SCHOOL IS HERE 19 We had the pleasure of attending the rollout where the new DP15 prototype, the result of a season’s work by Dynamis PRC, was presented. PNEUMAX PARTNER OF DYNAMICS PRC 20 Group Magazine 10 PNEUMAX BU dedicated to Process Automation is now able to produce a wide range of components and integrated systems. PROCESS AUTOMATION: INNOVATION AND INVESTMENT FOR CONSTANT GROWTH The Venetian company acquired by Pneumax Group builds mechatronic solutions for the strategic applications of leading machine manufacturers. AUTOMATIONWARE JOINS THE GROUP 06 14-16 From India to Spain: Continuous investments in cutting-edge locations around the world PNEUMAX S.A. & PNEUMAX INDIA PNEUMAX ACADEMY: A NEW CETOP- CERTIFIED TRAINING CENTRE Thanks to the new teaching laboratory, Pneumax Academy has obtained Cetop certification to perform examinations up to P3 level. 18 The activities of Pneumax Academy are underway in collaboration with the preferred partner for training and deepening knowledge on trend topics, starting with AI, Supply Chain, and ESG.