raccordi funzione • function fittings TECNO-FUN ® 163 Simboli pneumatici Pneumatic Symbol NOTA: Per Ingombro con cartucce vedi pagina Connessioni di alimentazione Esempio: 551.1H2.M1.D4.XX 5LGXWWRUH GL SUHVVLRQH LQ OLQHD *DPPD GL UHJROD]LRQH SUHVVLRQH EDU FRQ LQGLFDWRUH GL SUHVVLRQH &RQQHVVLRQL GL DOLPHQWD]LRQH ³$´ 0DVFKLR * H ³%´ 7XER ‘ NOTE: For the dimension including cartridges see page CONNECTIONS Example: 551.1H2.M1.D4.XX In line pressure regulator, adjusting range 0 - 2 bar + pressure indicator, CONNECTIONS “A” Male G 1/8 and “B” Tube Ø4 • /¶XWLOL]]R GL TXHVWH IXQ]LRQL FRPELQDWH FRQVHQWH GL SRWHU UHJRODUH OD pressione a valle in un circuito visualizzando direttamente il valore di pressione impostato. • /H SRVVLELOL FRPELQD]LRQL VRQR • Riduttore di pressione 0 ÷ 2 bar + Indicatore di pressione • Riduttore di pressione 0 ÷ 4 bar + Indicatore di pressione • Riduttore di pressione 0 ÷ 8 bar + Indicatore di pressione • 1RWD O¶LQGLFDWRUH GL SUHVVLRQH q GLVSRQLELOH VROR FRQ IRQGR VFDOD GD D EDU Fluido Connessioni di alimentazione 3UHVVLRQH GL IXQ]LRQDPHQWR PD[ EDU Temperatura di esercizio in °C 6FDOD GL YLVXDOL]]D]LRQH EDU Gamma di regolazione della pressione (bar) Peso (gr.) $ULD ¿OWUDWD H OXEUL¿FDWD R QRQ 9HGL /,67$ Connessioni di alimentazione 8 -5 ÷ + 50 0 ÷ 8 0 ÷ 2 - 0 ÷ 4 - 0 ÷ 8 62 • 7KH FRPELQDWLRQ RI WKLV WZR IXQFWLRQV HQVXUHV WKH SRVVLELOLW\ WR UHJXODWH WKH GRZQVWUHDP SUHVVXUH ZKLOH GLUHFWO\ YLVXDOLVLQJ WKH DGMXVWHG SUHVVXUH YDOXH • The possible combinations are the following: • 0 to 2 bar pressure regulator + pressure visual indicator • 0 to 4 bar pressure regulator + pressure visual indicator • 0 to 8 bar pressure regulator + pressure visual indicator • WKH YLVXDO LQGLFDWRU SUHVVXUH UDQJH LV DOZD\V WR EDU Fluid Connections Max working pressure Working temperature 9LVXDOL]DWLRQ VFDOH Regulated pressure range Weight without connections Filtered and lubricated air or not See CONNECTIONS LIST 8 bar -5°C ÷ +50°C 0 ÷ 8 bar 0 ÷ 2 - 0 ÷ 4 - 0 ÷ 8 62 gr. 7,32/2*,$ T 2 = 0 - 2 bar 4 = 0 - 4 bar 8 = 0 - 8 bar A &RQQHVVLRQH $ 9HGL /,67$ B &RQQHVVLRQH % 9HGL /,67$ /,67$ &RQQHVVLRQL 00 = Non prevista ' 'LULWWR ‘ ' 'LULWWR ‘ ' 'LULWWR ‘ / $QHOOR JLUHYROH PHWDOOR * ´ * $QHOOR 3/ JLUHYROH ‘ * $QHOOR 3/ JLUHYROH ‘ * $QHOOR 3/ JLUHYROH ‘ M1 = G1/8 maschio M2 = G1/4 maschio ) * IHPPLQD 9(56,21 T 2 = 0 - 2 bar 4 = 0 - 4 bar 8 = 0 - 8 bar A &RQQHFWLRQ $ VHH /,67 B &RQQHFWLRQ % VHH /,67 &RQQHFWLRQV /,67 00 = None ' 6WUDLJKW ‘ ' 6WUDLJKW ‘ ' 6WUDLJKW ‘ / )HPDOH EDQMR * ´ ´ * 5RWDWLQJ EDQMR ‘ * 5RWDWLQJ EDQMR ‘ * 5RWDWLQJ EDQMR ‘ M1 = G1/8 male M2 = G1/4 male ) * IHPDOH AB 18.5 25 58 6 18 12.5 18 60.5 41 3.2 Mx9 0.75 11 14 ART. Rid. di pressione con indicatore Pressure regulator + indicator 551.1HT.A.B.XX Caratteristiche costruttive Caratteristiche tecniche Construction characteristics Technical characteristics the overall dimensions and technical information are provided solely for informative reasons and may be subject to change without prior notice