2 dimensioni di ingombro e informazioni tecniche sono fornite a puro titolo informativo e possono essere soggette a modifica senza preavviso Qualità non solo come fine, ma come stile comportamentale, animato da una intensa attività di sensibilizzazione e coinvolgimento; sulla base di questa premessa, i principali elementi con cui si è deciso di edificare il nostro Sistema Qualità sono: l’ AZIENDA , la PERSONA , il LAVORO . Valori autentici che, in un contesto generale mutevole ed imprevedibile, diventano punti di riferimento imprescindibili. Ogni componente è parte attiva in un sistema fatto di reciprocità: dove l’azienda promuove il rispetto dei valori etici e dei diritti e della dignità delle persone, dove ogni persona è parte attiva e fattiva per il bene dell’azienda e dove il lavoro ne rappresenta il legante, ritornando ad essere un modello dinamico di crescita per se stessi e per il tessuto socio-economico. Il raggiungimento delle Certificazioni ISO 9001:2015, 45001:2018 e 14001:2015 è una ulteriore garanzia verso i nostri Clienti e soprattutto il riconoscimento in qualcosa in cui crediamo. Quality not only as an end, but as a behavioral style, animated by an intense awareness and involvement, on the basis of this premise, the main elements with which it was decided to build our Quality System are: the COMPANY , the PERSON, the JOB . Authentic values which, in a general context changeable and unpredictable, they become points of reference indispensable. Each component has an active part in a system made up of reciprocity: where the company promotes respect for ethical values and the rights and dignity of persons, where each person is an active and effective for the good of the company’ and where the work represents the binder, returning to be a dynamic model of growth for themselves and for the socio-economic context. Achieving ISO 9001:2015, 45001:2018 and 14001:2015 certification is an additional guarantee to our Customers, and above all the recognition in something we believe in. C e r t i f i e d M a n a g e m e n t S y s t e m s by Switzerland Certificate The SQS herewith attests that the organisation named below has a management system that meets the requirements of the normative basis mentioned. Titan Engineering S.p.A. Via dei Cerri, 16 47899 Serravalle San Marino Scope Production and distribution of pneumatic components for the automation Normative basis ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management System Reg. no. 38586 Validity 11.11.2020–10.11.2023 Issue 11.11.2020 SwissMade Swiss Association for Quality and Management Systems (SQS) Bernstrasse103, 3052 Zollikofen, Switzerland F.Müller,CEO SQS 4005_2/June2019/Version2.0 A.Grisard, President SQS CERTIFICATE SQS has issued an IQNet recognized certificate that the organizatio n: Titan Engineering S.p.A. Via dei Cerri, 16 47899 Serravalle San Marino has implemented and maintains a Management System for the following scope: Production and distribution of pneumatic components for the automation which fulfills the requirements of the following standar d(s): ISO 9001:2015 / ISO 14001:2015 / ISO 45001:2018 Issued on: 2020-11-11 Expires on: 2023-11-10 This attestation is directly linked to the IQNet Partner’s original certificate and shall not be used as a stand-alone document Registration Numbe r: CH-38586 ISO 9001:2 ISO 14001:2 OHSAS 18001 ISO 45001:2 ISO 22000:2 ISO/IEC 2700 ISO/IEC 20000 EN ISO 13485 ISO 29990:2 ISO 50001:2 IQNet Partners*: AENORSpain AFNORCertification France APCER Portugal CCCCyprus CISQ Italy CQCChina CQMChina CQSCzechRepublic CroCertCroatia DQSHoldingGmbHGermany EAGLECertificationGroupUSA FCAVBrazil FONDONORMAVenezuela ICONTECColombia InspectaSertifiointiOy Finland INTECOCostaRica IRAMArgentina JQA Japan KFQKorea MIRTECGreece MSZTHungary NemkoASNorway NSAI Ireland NYCE-SIGEMéxico PCBC Poland QualityAustriaAustria RRRussia SII Israel SIQSlovenia SIRIMQAS InternationalMalaysia SQSSwitzerland SRACRomania TESTStPetersburgRussia TSE Turkey YUQSSerbia * The list of IQNet partners is valid at the time of issue of this certificate.Updated information is Alex Stoichitoiu President of IQNet Felix Müller CEO SQS Mission certificazioni e qualità · certifications and quality