Dimensioni di ingombro e informazioni tecniche sono fornite a puro titolo informativo e possono essere soggette a modifica senza preavviso 6 Raccordi Serie FCM Catalogo Titan Engineering Quality The value of cer tified technology Total Quality Management: qualità di prodotti, processi e attività La gestione totale della qualità in Titan Engineering coinvolge tutti i processi e le attività aziendali, dall’ingresso ordini, alla produzione sino alla gestione delle informazioni relative ai propri partners, sia clienti che fornitori. Un sistema strutturato in cui tutte attività concorrono a creare soluzioni a valore aggiunto ottimizzando il TCO (total cost of ownership), il costo complessivo legato all’adozione di una soluzione Titan Engineering nella propria applicazione specifica. Qualità per Titan Engineering significa investire costantemente su prodotti e processi produttivi poichè la valorizzazione della conoscenza e la ricerca del miglioramento continuo è alla base dello spirito con cui opera ogni reparto aziendale nel rispetto delle norme ISO 9001 : 2015, ISO 14001 : 2015, ISO 45001 : 2018, REACH-1907/2006/CE, RoHs2 2011/65/EU. Lavorare in regime di Qualità Totale vuol dire non solo ottenere le certificazioni necessarie per operare in mercati e settori differenti, ma garantire al cliente la massima affidabilità dei prodotti e servizi offerti, perché la certificazione più prestigiosa è quella che proviene dalla fiducia dei nostri partners. C e r t i f i e d M a n a g e m e n t S y s t e m s by Switzerland Certificate The SQSherewith attests that theorganisationnamed below has amanagement system thatmeets the requirementsof thenormative basismentioned. Titan Engineering S.p.A. Via dei Cerri, 16 47899 Serravalle San Marino Scope Production anddistributionofpneumatic components for theautomation Normative basis ISO 9001:2015 QualityManagementSystem ISO 14001:2015 EnvironmentalManagementSystem ISO 45001:2018 OccupationalHealthand SafetyManagementSystem Reg.no.38586 Validity 11.11.2020–10.11.2023 Issue 11.11.2020 SwissMade SwissAssociation forQuality andManagement Systems (SQS) Bernstrasse103, 3052Zollikofen, Switzerland sqs.ch F.Müller,CEO SQS 4005_2/June 2019/Version2.0 A.Grisard,President SQS CERTIFICATE SQShas issued an IQNet recognized certificate that the organization: Titan Engineering S.p.A. ViadeiCerri,16 47899Serravalle SanMarino has implementedandmaintains a Management System for the following scope: Productionanddistributionofpneumatic components for theautomation which fulfills the requirements of the following standard(s): ISO 9001:2015 / ISO 14001:2015 / ISO 45001:2018 Issued on: 2020-11-11 Expires on:2023-11-10 This attestation is directly linked to the IQNetPartner’soriginal certificate and shallnotbeusedas a stand-alone document RegistrationNumber:CH-38586 ISO 9001:2015 ISO 14001:2015 OHSAS 18001:2007 ISO 45001:2018 ISO 22000:2005 ISO/IEC 27001:2013 ISO/IEC 20000-1:2011 EN ISO 13485:2016 ISO 29990:2010 ISO 50001:2011 IQNet Partners*: AENORSpain AFNORCertificationFrance APCER Portugal CCCCyprus CISQ Italy CQCChina CQMChina CQSCzechRepublic CroCertCroatia DQSHoldingGmbHGermany EAGLECertificationGroupUSA FCAVBrazilFONDONORMAVenezuela ICONTECColombia InspectaSertifiointiOy Finland INTECOCostaRica IRAMArgentina JQA Japan KFQKorea MIRTECGreece MSZTHungary NemkoASNorway NSAI Ireland NYCE-SIGEMéxico PCBC Poland QualityAustriaAustria RRRussia SII Israel SIQSlovenia SIRIMQAS InternationalMalaysia SQSSwitzerland SRACRomania TESTStPetersburgRussia TSE Turkey YUQSSerbia * The list of IQNet partners is valid at the time of issue of this certificate.Updated information is availableunderwww.iqnet-certification.com AlexStoichitoiu Presidentof IQNet FelixMüller CEO SQS Total Quality Management: quality of Products, Processes and activities Titan Engineering Total Quality Management involves all company processes and activities, from order entry, to production up to the management of information relating to partners, both customers and suppliers. A strucutated system where all the activities combine to create value- added solutions by optimizing the TCO (total cost of ownership) that comes from the adopting of a Titan Engineering solution in a specific application. For Titan Engineering, quality means constantly investing in products and production processes because continuous quality improvement is the guiding operating principle for every company department in compliance with standards ISO 9001 : 2015, ISO 14001 : 2015, ISO 45001 : 2018, REACH-1907/2006/CE, RoHs2 2011/65/EU. Taking a Total Quality approach means not only obtaining the necessary certifications for operating in different markets and sectors, but also ensuring maximum reliability of the products and services on offer because our partners’ trust is the most prestigious certification we can earn. Food contact material