This series of cylinders is available in two versions with different threaded fixing holes.
The first one includes cylinders from Ø 32 to Ø 100 called “ISO” with fixing holes same as cylinders ISO 6431 – VDMA 24562. Cylinders from Ø 20 to Ø 100 called “UNITOP”, parts of second series, are mainly according to standard UNITOP RU – P/6 – P/7. Cylinders Ø 12 and Ø 16 non standard, are interchangeable with similar products available on the market. The ISO version uses all fixing devices of series 1320 with exception of intermediate trunnion, while for cylinders Ø 12, Ø 16 and for “UNITOP” version are available fixing devices as flanges, foot, male and female clevis made with aluminium or steel. For use of magnetic sensors see directions on next page.
Compact cylinders “Europe”