These are 2 stage valves actuated electro-pneumatically. A serie 300 directly operated solenoid valve actuates pneumatically the principal power distributor.
This integrated system allows configurations of systems requiring very little space.
The pilot air is normally taken from the inlet port (autofeed) and the only actuating signal is electric.
The range of the solenoid valves, as far as dimensions and mechanical construction, is similar to series 200.
We have therefore solenoid valves G 1/8″, G 1/4″, G 1/2″ and G 1″ with identical pneumatic characteristics that are, however, actuated electrically.
They have a balanced spool, insentive to presence or absence of pressure. they are constructed in 3 and 5 way with 1 solenoid (monostable) or 2 solenoids (bistable) and also 5 ways 3 positions with closed centres, open centres and pressured centres.
If should be noted that the autofeed of the electric pilot requires always inlet through port 1 and if a 3 ways normally open configuration is desired, it is necessary to switch the operators.
Solenoid valves G 1/8″ and G 1/4″ can be equipped with microsolenoids as well as standard solenoids and they can be mounted in line or in 90 degrees on valves.
Please note that while the microsolenoid can be mounted in any direction, standard solenoid requires mounting as inticated in the photographs and diagrams.
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